Chapter 3 Flashcards
ager, agrī
m., field, farm
agricola, agricolae
m., farmer
amīcus, amīcī
m., friend
amīca, amīcae
f., friend
fēmina, fēeminae
f., woman
fīlia, fīliae
f., dat. and abl. pl. filiābus, daughter
fīlius, fīliī
m., son
numerus, numerī
m., number
populus, populī
m., the people, a people, a nation
puer, peurī
m., boy; pl. boys, children
sapientia, spientiae
f., wisdom
vir, virī
m., man, hero
avārus, avāra, avārum
greedy, avaricious
paucī, paucae, pauca
usually pl. few, a few
Rōmānus, Rōmāna, Rōmānum
prep + abl., down from, from; concerning, about; as a prefix dē- with such meanings as down, away, aside, out, off
prep + abl., in on; also a prefix
adv., today
adv., always
habeō, habēre, habuī, habitum
to have, hold, possess; consider, regard
satiō, satiāre, satiāvī, satiātum
to satisfy, sate