Chapter 3 Flashcards
Operational definition
A clear, precise, and measurable definition of a variable or concept used in research. Mostly used to define the abstract variables.
Accurately measures what it intends to measure.
Face validity
Subjective and least scientific
Concurrent validity
Comparison between new measurements and an established one
Predictive validity
Predict future behaviour
Construct validity
The contruct of the research. Extensive research and evidence
Convergent validity
Measuring the same participants with different tools and tests the looking if they strongly correlate
Divergent Validity
Measuring the same participants on both the target test and for unrelated constructs. If it’s low correlation then it’s divergent valid.
Consistency or stability
Test-retest reliability
Comparing successful measurements
Parallel-forms reliability
Using different version of the measurement
Inter-rater reliability
Agreement of different observers. Mostly used in 80-90s.
Split-half reliability
Consistency between parts of a research
One-to-one relationship between the actual variable and the measurement
For measuring abstract variables there will not be one-to-one relationship.
Nominal scale
Represents qualitative
Looks at two scores are the same or not
Cannot measure the size or direction