Chapter 3 Flashcards
Definitions of ecology, population, community, ecosystem
- Ecology = scientific study of interactions that determines the distribution + abundance of organisms (where organisms are and their density). Considers organisms at individual, population, community, ecosystem and biosphere levels
- Population: set of organisms of the same species in the same area
- Community: collection of populations of different species in the same area
- Ecosystem: combines communities and their abiotic environment
Emergent properties of populations, communities, ecosystems
- Population: size, density, distribution, growth rate.
- Community: species composition, structure, function and species diversity, interactions (predation, parasitism)
- Ecosystem: patterns and processes of energy/matter that flows through the system - continuous input of energy (sun), recycling of matter, C, P & N cycles
Proximal / ultimate explanations
- Proximal explanation: nearby environment of the organisms, react to stimuli in the immediate environment like tolerance limits - distribution of specific species often explained by preference for specific temp or soil type or avoidance of predators
> zooplankton vertical migration - light - Ultimate explanation: relate to the evolutionary context - the adaptive nature of specific traits and behaviors - why does a species show this specific set of tolerance limits?
> zooplankton vertical migration - fish avoidance - go deep during the day to avoid predation by visually hunting fish but feed on phytoplankton which rely on sunlight and are near the surface = go up at night
What is the difference between a condition and a resource?
- Condition: abiotic environmental factor that varies in space or time e.g temp, pollutants
- Resource: any substance or energy that can be consumed by organisms e.g. food, water, space
- Both determine where an organism can occur + how good it performs
Tolerance limits
- Range of environmental conditions that an organism can survive, grow and reproduce. Reproduction is the limiting factor - has narrowest tolerance limit
> Eury = tolerate a wide range of conditions, steno = narrow range
- Ectotherm = body temperature accommodates to that of their environment, development time is dependent on temperature - in the sun they are active and fast e.g. alligators, plants
- Endotherms = produce heat by consuming food, have a thermostat to regulate body temp which is kept constant and high leading to a high metabolic rate and shorter reaction time. Need a lot of food during cold temps to keep metabolism and body temp up e.g. humans
Air pollution and buffering capacity of waters - explain
- Acid rain: N and S oxides react with water to form nitric and sulphuric acid= acid rain. Acid rain can lead to acidification of weakly buffered systems like forests. Water bodies can contain sufficient amounts of (bi)carbonates to act as a buffer: adding H+ shifts reactions to produce water and neutralize the H+ ions to prevent a change in pH (no change in H+ conc = no change in pH = prevent effect on aquatic life). As long as there are bicarbonates in the water, buffering capacity remains intact. Areas rich with limestone = well buffered
> H2CO3 <-> H2O + CO2
> H2CO3 + OH- <-> HCO3- + H2O
> HCO3- + OH- <-> CO32- + H2O
Why do brackish waters often contain few species?
Not many species can handle high salinity. Plants - high salinity is like drought for plants as root systems have to fight strong osmotic gradients to take up water. Aquatic animals: membranes are semi-permeable and salts are too large to pass through but water moves out of membranes as a result of osmotic pressure and they dry out.
Give two examples of bio-indicators
- Can use occurrence of specific organisms as an indicator of air, soil or water quality as organisms differ widely in the degree they can cope with pollution
- Presence of viola calaminaria indicates soil contaminated with zinc
- Macroinvertebrates in rivers used to assess water quality/oxygen content. Macroinvertebrates are found in large quantities = easier to sample than other organisms. Worms can deal with low oxygen content whereas freshwater shrimp can only handle slightly low oxygen content waters
What is PAR ?
Photosynthetically active radiation = EM spectrum between 400-700 nm = energy source used by green plants - use light to convert CO2 and water to oxygen and glucose which can then be used to grow + consumed by organisms. Chlorophyll absorbs light of this range
Compensation point
- PAR-intensity where net photosynthetic rate = 0 so gross photosynthesis = losses due to respiration + other causes - determined by amount of photosynthetic pigments. Plants that thrive with high sun often have higher light compensation points
- Plants can survive periods of lower light intensities than compensation point but in long term, average must be above compensation point for plant to survive
- First, net photosynthesis increases with increased radiation as there is more PAR available until it reaches light saturation point = max photosynthesis. Then at too high light intensities, photosynthetic rates decline because of damage from high light intensities
What is a trade-off + illustrate with an example
- Trade-off: situation that involves a negative effect on one quality in return for gains of another
- Herbivores feed on specific/better parts of plants (seeds, young leaves) but selectivity takes time and thus they are less efficient = tradeoff. E.g. cows are bulk feeders - eat a lot but average quality is low
- Strong competitors are often more vulnerable to predation - allows inferior competitors to coexist with superior ones e.g. larger zooplankton are stronger + more competitive but also more vulnerable to predation by fish (visible predators)
- Competitive strength can reduce dispersal capacity e.g. large seeds
Global hydrological cycle
How water cycles through Earth’s land, ocean, atmosphere. Precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, infiltration. rate of inflow = rate of water loss (until recently)
Why is oxygen such an important variable in aquatic systems. Illustrate how aquatic organisms deal with this challenge.
- Oxygen is an essential resource for aquatic animals respiration + for decomposers to digest organic material
- Solubility of oxygen is limited - so can become limiting in aquatic habitats. Solubility is reduced at higher temps. - In organically enriched water bodies - higher temps increase bacterial activity decomposing organic material = more rapid consumption of oxygen PLUS lower solubility at higher temps = severe oxygen stress
- Aquatic organisms obtain sufficient oxygen through large gills, create continuous flow of fresh water over their gills, powerful respiratory pigments, breathing air at the surface
- Plants: mangrove trees occupy areas regularly flooded by seawater - their root systems are extensive + partly stick out of the sediment and contain air channels
Autotrophic organisms (green plants, cyanobacteria): assimilate inorganic resources into organic molecules (proteins, carbs) that are available to heterotrophic organisms (decomposers, carnivores). Heterotrophs need organic energy-rich material as food.
Importance of decomposers in the functioning of ecosystems
- Dead individuals + excretion products are a resource for decomposers (bacteria, fungi)
- Recycling of matter, removal of waste
- Parasitism: parasites use living organisms as their food source - mostly do not kill their hosts and only have one or a few hosts during their life cycle
- Predation: predator kill and eat other organisms - also includes herbivores, kill many prey during lifetime
In general, plants are less high quality food than animals. Explain why.
- Digestibility: plant less easy to digest, most animals can’t digest cellulose so digestive tract of herbivores is longer than carnivores
- C:N ratio of plant tissue is much higher than for animals. Animals have more N rich proteins (more rich in structural components)
Ecological stoichiometry. Illustrate its importance with an example
Ecological stoichiometry: studies chemical composition of food. Not all prey are same quality - more closely prey is in chemical composition to the consumer, more efficient consumer is in transforming food into their own organic material. E.g. Herbivores feed on specific/better parts of plants (seeds, young leaves) but selectivity takes time and thus they are less efficient. E.g. cows are bulk feeders - eat a lot but average quality is low
The C:N ratio in animals and plants differs. Discuss two consequences.
- C:N ratio of plant tissue is higher (40:1), animals have more N rich proteins (C:N ratio of 8-10:1). Herbivores have food source too rich in C, too low in N so are specific with what they eat - prefer seeds, young leaves over twigs and stems (contain little useful material). Decomposers prefer N rich
- Fecal material of herbivores contain lots of C = many organisms specialize on fecal material of herbivores while excretion product of carnivores contains no food source anymore
Inducible defences – illustrate with examples. What is the advantage of defences being inducible?
- Inducible defense = defense only produced when prey is exposed to predator risk. Don’t waste energy on defenses when they are not needed, only when they have to protect themselves.
- E.g. plants produce higher amounts of substances that reduce digestibility of their leaves when insects start to feed on their leaves, diel vertical migration in zooplankton
Warning colours
- Striking colour patterns suggest they are toxic or taste bad. E.g. wasps, some toxic snakes, butterflies
- Some species have evolved to mimic these species without investing energy in the production o the chemical defense e.g. hover flies that mimic wasps
Essential/perfectly substitutable/complementary/antagonistic resources
- Distinguish between essential and nonessential (substitutable) food resources
- Graphs: x and y axis is amount of given resource, isoclines = connect points of same value: A = zero population growth, B = intermediate, C = high population growth
- Essential: population growth requires that both resources are present. Population growth realized at given concentration of one resource is dependent on the conc of the other. E.g. plants need both N and P, adding more N will not increase growth if P is limiting
- Perfectly substitutable: population growth determined by combined amount of two resources, food sources are (almost) 100% equivalent e.g. different kinds of grains for chickens
- Complementary: total conc of resources needed to sustain a given pop growth rate is lower when both resources are present than when only one resource is present - resources complement each other e.g. rice (rich in sulfur) and beans (rich in proteins)
- Antagonistic: organisms need a higher amount of resources when both resources are present - resources interact and form detrimental side products e.g. become toxic when combined
- Inhibition: resources become limiting when present at too high concentration e.g. too much light is detrimental for photosynthetic activity