chapter 3 Flashcards
what is sensation?
when our senses react to stimuli
what is perception?
to understand and analyze through our senses
what is stimulus?
Energy that produces a response in a sense organ.
what is psychophysics?
The study of the relationship between the physical aspects of stimuli and our psychological experience of them.
What is the absolute threshold?
smallest amount of a stimulus we can detect
what is the difference threshold?
minimal difference needed to detect a stimulus change (JND)
what is sensory adaptation?
adapting to when our sensory receptors have been exposed to stimuli for a long time
when does sensory adaptation happen?
Happens when people become familiar to a stimulus and change their frame of reference
what does our brain do to stimulation?
our brain mentally turns down the volume
what does sensory adaptation prevent us from doing?
having to continuously respond to unimportant
what is selective attention?
a process that allows a person to select and focus on particular input for further processing whole simultaneously suppressing irrelevant information
what is inattention blindness?
the failure to noice a fully visible but unexpected object because attention was engaged on another task
what does vision start with?
Starts with light, the physical energy that stimulates the eye
what is light?
electromagnetic energy that moves in waves. Measured in wavelengths
what does the size of the wave correspond to?
to different types of energy
what is the visual spectrum?
the range of wavelengths that humans are sensitive to (its small).
what are rods?
more numerous and more sensitive to light, enable us to see in dim light, however, we compromise our color vision and fine detail.
what are cones?
allow us to see in color and fine detail, most sensitive in brightly lit conditions
what is dark adaptation?
the phenomenon of adjusting to dim light after being in bright light.
what is feature detection?
The activation of neurons in the cortex by visual stimuli of specific shapes or patterns. Found that some cells are activated only by lines of a particular width, shape or orientation.
what is Trichromatic theory of colour vision?
color perception results from mixing three distinct color systems (red, green, and blue)
what does the trichromatic theory of colour vision suggest?
that there are three kinds of cones in the retina
what is perception of colour influenced by?
by the relative strength with each of the three kinds of cones activated
Talks about colour blindness
what is the opponent process theory of colour vision?
The theory that receptor cells for colour are linked in pairs, working in opposition to each other.
what is sound?
movement of air molecules in a particular wave pattern.
sounds arriving at the outer ear in the form of wave like vibrations are funnelled into where?
the auditory canal (leads to the eardrum)
what do sound waves vary in?
length (wavelength)
height (amplitude): distinguish between loud and soft sounds
what are low frequencies translated into?
into a sound that is very low in pitch
what is the lowest frequency that humans are capable of hearing?
20 cycles per second