Chapter 29 HISTO Flashcards
microscopic examination of cells from different body sites for diagnostic purposes.
Diagnostic Cytology
Diagnostic cytology includes ______ and ______
exfoliative cytology; fine needle aspiration
For cytologic examination to be of diagnostic value, the sample must include _____ and ______
representative material; method used to process the specimen must give rapid results,
most important in cytological interpretation.
Consistency and reliability
Specimen for cytologic examination sources:
Exfoliative cytology; Fine needle aspiration; Body fluids
deals with the microscopic study of cells that have been desquamated from epithelial surfaces.
Exfoliative cytology
Exfoliated cells may be found in:
spontaneously shed or physically removed from epithelial and mucous membranes.
Cytological specimens collected from female genital tract:
cervical smear; Vaginal smear; endometrial smear
observed in normal cells due to constant growth and replacement with new cells
Spontaneous exfoliation
Specimen can be collected from the epithelial surfaces by:
scraping the surface; by swabbing; aspirating; washing the surfaces
Exfoliative cytology is usually recommended for the following:
Detection of malignant cells in body fluids
Detection of precancerous cervical lesions in women
Assessment of female hormonal status (sterility and hormonal disorders)
determination of genetic sex -most of the nuclei of females exhibit conglomeration of chromatin
representing XX chromosomes (Barr body)
detection of infectious agents
Smear Preparation (Exfoliative Cytology): Smears should be made from?
Fresh material, prepared in doctor’s office/radiology units
Smear Preparation (Exfoliative Cytology): Direct Smear Preparation and Labelling
- Material is smeared evenly on slide
- Label with name, age, date and type of specimen, identifying number at frosted end
Histotechnicians performs:
Special stains on cytology smears; Blood films; Cytopreps
Most commonly received cytoprep
Thin prep
Thin prep is wet-fixed in
95% ethanol
Wet fixation of cytoprep in 95% ethanol is to preserve….
Fine structure of chromatin
Evaluation of nuclear changes
avoided with smears for cytological detection of neoplasia because it changes the appearances of the cells.
Air drying
usually air-dried specimens
Commonest cancer that can be detected even at the pre-invasive stage
uterine cervix cancer
Cervical cytology screening involves cell samples from:
Ecto- and endocervix
Stain used in cervical smear
Papanicolaou (Pap) method
T/F. Cervical cytology is a screening test, abnormal findings must be confirmed histologically.
PAP Smear Patient Preparation
abstain from coitus
not douche the vagina for at least a day
not apply intravaginal preparations for at least one week before the examination
Smears should not be taken during menstrual bleeding
Contaminants that can obscure the cells during examination (PAP smear)
Endometrial component
Tissue debris
Collecting Systems to retrieve gynecology cells:
Cotton swabs
Wooden or plastic spatula
Cervical brushes; “cytobrushes”
Collecting system that retrieve more endocervical cells and blood = valuation difficulties
Brush biopsies
discouraged because of the drying artifacts and loss of cells that are caused by this method
Cotton swab
Preferable to use, with mildly rough surface that can collect more materials
Wooden spatula
used strictly for taking materials from endocervix
Endo-cervical brushing
Excessively thin or thick smears can result in
false-negative reports
often used for ulcerated surface lesions
Impression smear
T/F. (Impression Smear): preparations should be quickly air dried and then stained
Impression smear is indicated in cases of:
TUMOR (especially of lymph nodes)
Impression smear retrieval of specimen is done by
touching the cut surface with a clean slide
fixing immediately
Sputum smear specimen must be obtain at least ______
3 consecutive morning sputum
Sputum specimen must be collected ______
early morning by deep cough
Early morning sputum is collected in a wide mouth jar with
Saccomanno fluid
Saccomanno fluid is consist of _____ and _____
50% ethyl alcohol
2% carbowax
Induced sputum should be collected using _____
Inhalation of AEROSOL SOLUTION for 20 minutes
Number of slides to be prepared for extensive study
Minimum of 2-4 slides
Slides prepared for Sputum Smear
One air-dried for Giemsa Staining
at least 2 slides stained by Papanicolaou method
Sputum is poured into petri dish and examined first for
Solid particles
Minimum hours of fixation needed in sputum smear
Minimum of 1 hour
The sputum smear should be made without delay due to
Hardening effect of alcohol
Sputum collected should have been coughed from _______
In sputum smear, present of this substance can preserves the cell constituents
found on the sputum smears from a deep cough
Alveolar macrophange
Absence of alveolar macrophages suggests
directly smeared onto two labeled slides by pull technique
Bronchial Brushing Specimen
Bronchial Brushing specimen is fixed by
Spray fixative
Immersed in 95% alcohol
Bronchial Brushing specimen: Failure to fix the slides within a few seconds will produce
unsatisfactory cytologic results due to air drying artifact
freshly collected in the bronchoscopy collection container and hand delivered to the laboratory
Bronchial Washing specimens
Bronchial Aspirates is collected by
aspiration into a glass suction apparatus
washing the bronchi with 1-2 cc. of saline
If the specimen is collected directly from bronchus, then it must contain
Epithelial cells (ciliated bronchial cells) from BRONCHIAL MUCOSA
Gastric smear preparations are quite difficult to make due to
inaccessibility of the specimen
presence of gastric juices
deleterious effect on the morphology of exfoliated cells due to
presence of gastric juices
Smears of Gastric Secretions and Aspirates: Smears are usually collected by simple ____ and ____
irrigation and aspiration technique
Smears of Gastric Secretions and Aspirates: Patient Preparation
fasted for at least 8 hours before gastric washing is performed
T/F. Esophageal washings are to be examined immediately.
T/F. Cytologic examination of nipple discharge has an extremely low diagnostic yield for diagnosis of breast carcinoma.
Spontaneous nipple discharge is usually a result of _____ in young patients
hormonal imbalance
Bloody nipple discharge
Benign Intraductal Papilloma
T/F. spontaneous nipple discharge should be smeared on a clean glass slide, and immediately placed in fixative
T/F. During lactation and immediate post-lactation period, nipple discharge is ABNORMAL
Nipple discharge is abnormal except During lactation and immediate post-lactation period
nipple discharge is usually due to a benign breast lesion such as duct:
Endocrine problems
major value of cytologic examination of nipple discharge is potential detection of _______ in a patient with clinically _______.
Malignant cells ; undetected carcinoma
Collection Technique (Breast Smear Secretion): Gently strip the ________ and nipple using the __________.
subareolar area ; thumb and forefinger
Collection Technique (Breast Smear Secretion): If more than a drop is collected, use another slide to smear with a _______
Pull-up technique
Collection Technique (Breast Smear Secretion): Immersed slide in a bottle of _______ or use ______
95% isopropanol ; spray fixative.
Collection Technique (Breast Smear Secretion): T/F. If the secretion is scanty in amount, smears should be restricted to a small area of the slide to prevent drying
Collection Technique (Breast Smear Secretion): T/F. Secretions obtained from both breasts should be properly identified as left or right.
study of cellular samples obtained from organs that do not shed cells spontaneously, such as breast, thyroid, lymph nodes, liver, lungs, skin, soft tissues and bones
Fine Needle Aspiration
organs that do not shed cells spontaneously
breast, thyroid, lymph nodes, liver, lungs, skin, soft tissues and bones
T/F. FNA is useful in lesions that are easily palpable
FNA basic technique uses
25-gauge needle
10-ml syringe
Requires larger bore needle and increased suction may be necessary
Tissues composed of MESENCHYMAL CELLS
Mesenchymal cells adhere to each other and do not _____
Exfoliate easily
FNA that is usually done by Clinicians and pathology
FNA of Superficial masses:
Breast, thyroid, peripheral lymph nodes
Deeply seated lesions are
abdominal organs (liver, pancreas, etc.)
retroperitoneal organs (kidney, adrenal, lymph nodes
Deeply seated lesions are performed under
CT scan (Laparoscopy)
Ultrasound (Sonography)
sample should be air dried as quickly as possible to ___________
Reduce the effects of shrinkage
FNA slide preparation: most diagnostic material for cytologic evaluation
Few drops from Solid lesion
FNA slide preparation: Specimen is bloody leads to
Diluted cells
Hard to find on direct smear
FNA slide preparation: Maximum slides to be prepared
4 slides
FNA slide preparation: How many drops per slide
1-2 drops each slide
FNA slide preparation: Smearing technique used
Slide-pull technique
FNA slide preparation: Rinse the needle in a preservative solution such as _______
Saccomano fluid
FNA slide preparation: Ideal aspirate is ______
creamy consistency with numerous cells suspended in a small amount of tissue fluid
FNA slide preparation: In lymph node aspiration, _______ can be prepared in addition to smear.
Cell suspension
FNA slide preparation: T/F. Smears obtained by FNA are fixed based on the requirements of the stain to be used.
FNA slide preparation: Colloid, mucin and smears to be stained with ____
Hematoxylin stain (May-Grunwald-Giemsa)
FNA slide preparation: useful in preliminary assessment of adequacy of the sample
Rapid stain (Diff Quik 2-3 mins)
FNA slide preparation: Smears to be stained by _________or ______ should be rapidly fixed in alcohol (wet fixation)
Papanicolaou (Pap); hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)
FNA slide preparation: Specimen stained by Papanicolaou (Pap) or H&E exhibits
Nuclear details
Better identification of malignant cells
FNA slide preparation: In PAP and H&E if the specimen has artefacts it leads to
more eosinophilic cytoplasm
details appear fuzzy
FNA slide preparation: smeared by two-slide pull method
Transbronchial Fine needle Aspiration (FNA)
Cytological investigation of body fluids such as:
urine samples
cerebrospinal fluid
pleural or peritoneal effusions
Body fluids is obtained by
Body fluids is useful on the _____ and ______
refers to the fluid accumulated in the three serous cavities namely pleural, pericardial and peritoneal
Serous effusion
presence of malignant cells in serous effusions usually indicate metastatic involvement and, therefore, a _______
higher stage of cancer
prevented by adding 300 units of Heparin for every 100 ml. of aspirate
Jelly-like clots
preferred for cytology
Freshly tapped specimens
If immediate processing is not possible, it can be preserved in the
Refrigerator for 24-48 hrs @4 deg cel.
Or 50%. Ethanol
should be used to prepare smears from prefixed sample
Albuminized slides
best method to collect cells from body fluid
no access to a cytospin, can make use of _______ and _______
centrifugation of the preparation and sampling of the centrifuged sediment
major objection to the use of cytocentrifuge
distortion of cellular morphology due to air drying artifacts
Immediate fixation is done by
using an equal volume of polyethylene glycol
received as the result of direct taps of pleural or peritoneal effusions, as well as from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and synovial fluid.
Cell suspencions
Most cytologists prefer to receive effusions as _____
rapidly as possible in sterile containers without fixative or anticoagulant
Optimum amount of Cell suspension
20-30 mL
Cells in cell suspension remains viable for up to ________
4 days
Cell in the specimen is kept _____
Refrigerated @4deg
Preparation of Cytospin slides: The specimen is centrifuged as soon as possible at ________ speed for ______ (our suggested method)
1000 RPM
1 minute
Preparation of Cytospin slides: sediment on a glass slide which has been previously coated with a __________
thin layer of egg albumin
Preparation of Cytospin slides: When it begins to dry around the edges but is still moist in the center, the smear is fixed in _______
95% alcohol
Preparation of Cytospin slides: If smears cannot be prepared immediately, the sediment should be covered with _______ and placed in the refrigerator.
absolute alcohol
Preparation of Cytospin slides: When secretions are small in amount, the smear should be prepared and fixed in the _______
operating room/bronchoscopy room