Chapter 29 & 30 - Reinsurance Flashcards
In what ways could 1 reinsurer be more competitive than another? (3)
- May have greater financial strength
- Offer broader coverage
- Offer profit sharing arrangement, or a more generous one
2 ways in which the amount to be reinsured can be specified:
- Individual surplus. Reinsured amount is the excess of the original benefit over the cedant’s retentio limit on any individual live
- Quota share. Specified % of each policy is reinsured
Why will the reinsurance premium on a risk premium approach change? (3)
- If the reinsurance is based on the sum at risk, sum at risk is likely to have changed over the period
- It will be based on older PHs (tend to happen only on policy anniversary)
- If reinsurance pricing basis is not guaranteed, then it may change as a result of reinsurer carrying out a pricing review
Reasons why insurers will reinsure: (10)
- Limit amount paid on any particular claim
- Limit total claims payout
- Reduce insurance parameter risk
- Reduce claim payout fluctuations
- Recieve technical assistance
- Reduce new business strain
- Increase profits, return or risk adjusted return
- Reduce overall capital requirements
- Seperate out different risks from a product, allowing cedant to optimise its risk management and capital requirements
- Allow aggregation of risks the cedant cannot manage on its own
Variance of cedant’s claim can be very high due to:
- Small number of contracts for very high levels of cover
- Lives insured are not independent risks
General factors to take into account when setting the retention limit: (9)
- Average benefit level for the product and the expected distribution of the benefit
- Company’s insurance risk appetite
- Level of Company’s free assets and the importance attached to stability of its free asset ratio
- Terms in which reinsurance can be obtained and the dependence of such terms on the retention limit
- Level of familiarity of the company with underwriting the type of business involved
- Effect on the Company’s regulatory capital requirements of increasing/reducing the retention limit
- Existence of profit sharing arrangements in the reinsurance treaty
- Company’s retention on its other products
- Nature of any future increases in sums assured
Why will a company still still underwrite its products if it has reinsurance in place? (6)
- The terms of the treaty require it, as the expected claim experience of the reinsurer is heavily dependent on the level of UW in place
- Reinsurer will expect same UW process to remain in place throughout duration of treaty. If the process is changed, the treaty will need to be renegotiated
- The better the initial level of UW, the better the terms available from reinsurers
- Since direct writer will keep some of the risk, it will still want to reduce its claim experience and volatility as much as it is cost effective to do so
- If the treaty contains a profit sharing clause, this becomes more important
- UW will reduce the opportunity for anti selection. Reinsurance is not an alternative strategy for achieving this
What is a treaty?
It is a legal contract governed by contract law, which will include international trade and shipping agreements and a large body of case law
Advantages of treaties where the reinsurance acceptance is obligatory: (2)
- Direct writer can write large policies without having to refer back tonthe reinsurer, a process which might impede sales due to the delay in acceptance
- Less administration
How does regulatory arbitrage work?
- reinsurer may have lower supervisory capital requirement for writing certain kinds of business than direct writer
- means that reinsurer can write the business more cheaply than insurer can, all else being equal,