Chapter 28 - Thoracic wall Flashcards
How many sternebra are normal?
When can mineralization of the costal cartilages be seen?
young and old dogs
What pedunculated soft tissue opacities can be seen on the thoracic wall?
nipple, papilloma, engorged ticks
Ventral displacement of the sternum is called?
pectus carinatum
Dorsal displacement of the sternum is called?
pectus excavatum
Radiographic changes that can occur secondary to thoracic wall trauma?
rib fractures
soft tissue swelling
subcutaneous emphysema
What is a flail chest?
segmental rib fractures involving the dorsal and ventral aspect of at least 2 adjacent ribs
What occurs with a flail chest during inspiration and expiration?
Paradoxical movement
Ribs move inwards during inspiration
Ribs move outwards during expiration
(should be opposite)
What can cause non-traumatic rib fractures in cats?
diseases that result in prolonged espiratory effort or coughing, metabolic diseases, certain neoplasia
What is an extrapleural sign?
a radiographic change that is seen due to a thoracic wall mass
What does an extrapleural sign look like radiographically vs a pulmonary mass?
Extrapleural: if a mass origiantes from thoracic wall and extends into thoracic cavity - junction of mass and wall forms an angle greater than 90 degrees. Usually very broad-based
Pulmonary mass: if a lung originates in the pulmonary parenchyma and approaches the thoracic wall - the junction between the mass and the thoracic wall will be less than 90 degrees
Most common thoracic wall masses?
Originating from the ribs (mesenchymal origin: chondrosarc, osteosarc, fibrosarc) connective tissue, nerves, vessels, muscles
abscess from foreign body
What do rib infections most commonly occur due to?
other differentials?
penetrating wound
extension of pyothorax, mycotic infection
Radiographic difference between an infectious process in a rib and a neoplasia?
unable to determine - both may be lytic, lytic and productive, or productive only.
Etiologies for rib masses?
Primary tumors (mesenchyma in origin: chondrosarc, fibrosarc, osteosarc)
Metastatic lesions
Most common sternebral tumors?
mesenchymal in origin: osteosarc, fibrosarc, osteosarc