Chapter 28 Flashcards
What bill provided discharge pay, hospitalization, government loans, and educational benefits for veterans ?
The G. I. Bill of Rights
What ended the Great Depression ?
The postwar economic boom.
What is inflation ?
The increase of the number of dollars needed to purchase an item.
What act removed certain labor abuses and curbed the growing power of labor unions over individuals and employers ?
The Taft-Hartley Act
What amendment ensures that future Presidents will be limited to two terms ?
The 22nd Amendment
What was the name for President Truman’s program of socialistic legislation ?
The “Fair Deal”
What treaty provided military aid to European allies and other friendly nations?
The North Atlantic Treaty
What program was designed to give assistance to underdeveloped countries ?
The Four Point Program
What two acts were used to combat Communist subversion in America?
The Smith Act
The Internal Security Act
Who was the member of the state department who transferred documents to a Soviet Agent ?
Alger Hiss
What couple was executed for leaking vital atomic bomb secrets to Russian agents ?
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
What former Communist member realized the true nature of the government ?
Whittaker Chambers
What Senator thought that the State Department had been infiltrated by a large number of Communist spies ?
Joseph P. McCarthy
Who became President of the United States after Franklin Roosevelt passed away ?
Harry S. Truman
What is the name for a war fought with words and not weapons ?
“Cold War”
What was the arms race?
A period of time in which other nations wanted to possess an atomic or hydrogen bomb for themselves.
What did the United Nations set up against this threat to world peace?
The International Atomic Energy Authority
What did the United States set up to combat the threat to world peace?
The Atomic Energy Commission
What did Winston Churchill say covered the nations of Eastern Europe with tyranny and oppression?
The “Iron Curtain”
What did the Truman Doctrine state?
It stated that the United States would employ its resources to prevent the overthrow of any democracy through outside interference.
What did the Marshall Plan state?
The Marshall Plan extended credits amounting to as much as $20 billion to accelerate Europe’s economic renewal.
What helped save millions of West Berliners from starvation?
The Berlin Airlift
What was the defense pact signed by the U. S., Canada, and 10 Western European nations in opposition to Communism?
NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
What year was NATO founded ?
Russia counteracted by denouncing the packed as an aggressive alliance against Soviet union and formed what?
The Warsaw Pact
Who was supreme commander in the allied occupation of Japan?
General Douglas MacArthur
What conference officially ended the Allied occupation of Japan?
The Japanese Peace Treaty Conference
Who was the Supreme Allied commander in Europe?
General Dwight D. Eisenhower
What have the President authority to fix wage and price ceilings ?
The Defense Production Act
On what parallel are North and South Korea divided ?
The 38th Parallel
The Communist Chinese leader
Mao Tse-tung
The Nationalist Chinese Leader
Chiang Kai-shek
Who traveled to China and attempted to persuade Chiang Kai-shek to form a coalition government ?
General George C. Marshall
On what day did North Korean forces invade South Korea?
June 25, 1950
The South Koreans and the Americans were quickly pushed back behind what battle line ?
The Pusan Perimeter
Which general did President Truman abruptly remove from command after multiple out of place comments ?
General Douglas Mac Arthur
Who won the election of 1952?
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Who was Eisenhower’s Vice President ?
Richard M. Nixon
Who was Eisenhower’s Secretary of State?
John Foster Dulles
What did Eisenhower transform the Federal Security Agency into?
The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
What organization was formed to resist Communist aggression and expansion in Southeast Asia?
The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)
Which half of Germany achieved national status once again? What were they renamed ?
West Germany; German Federal Republic
What two men helped make Western Germany into one of the most prosperous nations in the world ?
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Ludwig Erhard
What was the while trend of the Eisenhower Administration?
Away from government participation in business and the economy.
The AF of L and the CIO combined into the AFL-CIO. Who was their first president ?
George Meany
What seaway was created in partnership with Canada ?
The St. Lawrence Seaway
What act cleared the way for private, commercial development of atomic power ?
The Atomic Energy Act
What was the world’s first nuclear-powered merchant vessel ?
The Savannah
Who was the Marxist leader of West Germany ?
Walter Ulbricht
In what year was Israel established as a nation?
Who was the leader of Egypt who hated Israel?
Gamal Nasser
What project did Nasser want the United States to help to fund ?
The Aswan High Dam
What did Egypt and Syria come together to form?
The United Arab Republic
What nationalist Chinese islands were bombarded by Communist China and protected by American naval and air forces ?
Quemoy and Matsu
In what strait did the President call for a build up of naval forces to help the Nationalist troops receive food and supplies ?
The Formosa Strait
What doctrine gave the President the power to use force against Communist aggression in the Middle East?
The Eisenhower Doctrine
What was the first satellite to orbit the earth? What was the first American satellite to orbit the earth?
Sputnik I ; Explorer I
What organization was started to further United States space research and development ?
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
What was a large movement between the 1950’s and 1960’s ?
The civil rights movement
Race relations in public schools were governed by what court case ?
Plessy vs. Ferguson
Which court case resulted in the desegregation of public schools? In what year ?
Brown vs. the Board of Education of Topeka; 1954
What black American boarded a bus after a long day at work and got arrested because of where she sat? Who organized a boycott of the bus system because of this ?
Rosa Parks; Martin Luther King Jr.
What did Martin Luther King help to form ? What did they practice ?
The Souther Christian Leadership Conference; nonviolent resistance
What are the 49th and 50th States ?
Alaska and Hawaii
Russia wanted what with the rest of the nations ?
“Peaceful Coexistence”
Who became leader over Russia shortly after the Geneva Summit ?
Nikita Khrushchev
Who was the pilot of the reconnaissance plane shot down over Soviet Russia in 1960?
Francis Gary Powers
What did the Belgian Congo become? Who was their leader?
The Republic of the Congo; Patrice Lumumba
What American doctor along with others was murdered in the Congo just before help arrived ?
Dr. Paul Carlson
Who was the dictator of Cuba that was overthrown ? Who over-through him? What was his move meant called ?
Fulgencio Batista ; Fidel Castro ; the 26th of July Movement
Who introduced the Polio vaccine ?
Jonas Salk
Who found a way to ingest the Polio vaccine by putting it on a sugar cube ?
Albert B. Sabin
What is the world’s largest suspension bridge?
The Mackinaw Straights Bridge
What system would eventually link one side of America to the other?
The American Highway System
Who was the heavyweight boxer who retired undefeated?
Rocky Marciano
Who was the first black-American baseball player to play for a major league team?
Jackie Robinson
Who became President in 1960?
John F. Kennedy
What was Kennedy’s liberal program?
The New Frontier
Black college students began to organize what where they would sit in sections reserved for whites?
Who was the first black-American man who attempted to enroll in a all-white university ?
James Meredith
What court case resulted in all schools have to stop reciting prayers ?
Engel vs. Vitale
What court case resulted in the banning of prayer and Bible reading in the schools even if done voluntarily?
Abington School District vs. Schempp
What self-proclaimed Marxist was brought to national attention through a court case in Maryland?
Madalyn Murray O’Hair
Who was the first American into space?
Alan B. Shepard
Who became the first American to orbit the earth?
John H. Glenn Jr.
Where did American-trained Cuban freedom fighters attempt to invade. Communist Cuba ?
The Bay of Pigs
What crisis occurred when Russia tried to take mussels into Cuba ?
The Cuban Missile Crisis
What was built by the East Germans to keep their people from escaping to the West?
The Berlin Wall
What group of nations began to be recognized as separate nations ?
French Indochina
What was the name for the Communist guerrillas ?
The Viet Cong
What was the special U. S. Army unit that was sent to South Vietnam to help them with their struggle?
The Green Berets
Who killed President Kennedy ?
Harvey Lee Oswald