Chapter 28 Flashcards
What was the traditional form of antidemocratic government in European history?
Conservative authoritarianism
By the start of World War 2, fascist governments controlled which countries?
Spain, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, and Romania
What did totalitarian try to dominate?
the economic, social, intellectual, and cultural aspects of people’s lives
What characteristics did Communist and Fascist governments share?
Both violently rejected parliamentary government and liberal ideas, , showed a callous disregard for human life and greatly expanded the power of the state in pursuit of social control.
Who were the 3 “charismatic leaders” of totalitarian states?
Stalin - Soviet Union
Mussolini - Italy
Hitler - Germany
What did the 3 totalitarian leaders do the same?
created political parties of a new kind, used force and terror to intimidate and destroy political opponents and pursued policies of imperial expansion to exploit other lands. They censored the mass media and instituted propaganda campaigns meant to advance their goals. They engaged in massive projects of state-controlled social engineering dedicated to replacing individualism with a unified “people” capable of exercising the collective will.`
Who were the two leaders associated with Fascism and who was the leader associated with communism?
Fascism - Mussolini and Hitler
Communism - Stalin
What are eugenics?
a pseudoscience that maintained that the selective breeding of human beings could improve the general characteristics of a national population.
Who did the Nazis believe needed to be segregated or eliminated?
Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled and others who couldn’t contribute to the “racial stock”
What was the Five-year plan called?
“the revolution from above”
New Economic Policy which reestablished limited economic freedom in an attempt to rebuild agriculture
Which businesses stayed wholly nationalized?
heavy industry, railroads, and banks
What was the outcome of the NEP?
a political and economic success
Stalin’s characteristics?
good organizer
poor speaker and writer
no experience outside of Russia
Trotsky’s characteristics?
great and inspiring leader
international experience
What was Stalin’s theory?
“socialism in one country”
What was Trotsky’s theory?
“permanent revolution”
collectivization of agriculture
forced consolidation of individual peasant farms into large, state controlled interprises
class of well-off peasants