Chapter 27 Vocab Flashcards
vexo, vexare, vexavi
I worry, annoy
I worry, annoy
vexo, vexare, vexavi
augeo, augere, auxi
I increase
I increase
augeo, augere, auxi
accendo, accendere, accendi
I set fire to
I set fire to
accendo, accendere, accendi
colligo, colligere, collegi
I collect, gather
I collect, gather
colligo, colligere, collegi
ruo, ruere, rui
I rush
I rush
ruo, ruere, rui
benignus -a -um
benignus -a -um
plenus -a -um
full (of) +abl
full (of) +abl
plenus -a -um
scelestus -a -um
wicked, criminal
wicked, criminal
scelestus -a -um
ullus -a -um
ullus -a -um
civilis, civile
of citizens, civil
of citizens, civil
civilis, civile
prudens, prudentis
prudent, sensible, wise
prudent, sensible, wise
prudens, prudentis
philosophia, philosophiae
philosophy f.
philosophy f.
philosophia, philosophiae
exitium, exitii
destruction n.
destruction n.
exitium, exitii
imperium Romanum
the Roman empire n.
the Roman empire n.
imperium Romanum
otium, otii
leisure n.
leisure n.
otium, otii
orbis, orbis
circle, globe m.
circle, globe m.
orbis, orbis
orbis terrarum
the globe, the world
the globe, the world
orbis terrarum
potestas, potestatis
power f.
power f.
potestas, potestatis
portus, portus
port m.
port m.
portus, portus
tomorrow (adverb)
and so (adverb)
early (in the morning) (adverb)