Chapter 27 Quotes Flashcards
‘I can’t abide …
Mina about Van Helsing
‘his mouth set as firmly as a …
‘Alas! I am unclean to His …
Van Helsing
‘I am afraid, afraid ,afraid!- I am afraid of all things- even to
repetitions leads to emphasis
about weird sister’s voices
‘intolerable sweetness of…
water glasses.’
Van Helsing
‘I left Madam Mina sleeping within the…
Holy circle.’
In God’s protection
VH on weird sister
‘she lay in her vampire sleep, so full of life and voluptuous beauty that I shudder as though I have come to…
do murder.’
doesn’t consider it murder as she is soulless, links to DG quote ‘it would be murder’
VH on the effect of the sisters on man
‘the mere beauty of the wanton Un-Dead have …
hypnotize him.’
VH on weird sisters
‘She was so fair to look on, so radiantly beautiful, so exquisitely voluptuous, that the very instinct of man in me, which calls some of my sex to love and protect one of hers, made my head…
whirl with new emotion.’
even Van Helsing is not immune from the vampire sexuality
VH on Dracula’s grave
‘This then was the Un-Dead home of the …
king Vampire.’
‘I laid on Dracula’s tomb some of the wafer, and so…
banished him from it.’
VH on killing the weird sisters
‘hardly had my knife severed the head of each, before the whole body began to melt away and crumble into its native dust , as though the death that should have come centuries agone had at last assert himself and say at once and loud …
‘I am here!.’
they do not bleed
VH on the Castle
‘There was something wild and …
uncanny about the place.’
link to the uncanny
‘The wind came now with fiercer and more bitter sweeps, and more steadily from the north. It seemingly had driven the snow clouds from us, for with only occasional bursts the snow fell.’
pathetic fallacy at end, build up in tension shown by the storm
cleansing of the world shown by the symbolism of the snow
‘He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which…
I knew too well.’
‘It was like a miracle but before our very eyes, and almost in the drawing of a breath, the whole body…
crumbled into dust.’
‘I shall be glad as long as I live that even in that moment of final dissolution, there was in the face a look of…
peace, such that I never could have imagined might have rested there.’
his soul is at rest, or belief he will live on through Mina??
‘The castle of Dracula now stood out against the…
red sky.’
creepy and supernatural, cleansing
‘It was worth this to die! Look! Look!’ The sun was now right down upon the mountain top, and the red gleams fell upon my face, so that it was bathed in rosy light.
‘See! the snow is no more stainless than her forehead! The curse had…
passed away.’
snow- purity
rosy- happy
About Quincey
‘he died, a …
gallant gentleman.’
Victorian ideals
Mina names son ‘Quincey’ and hopes his ‘bravery’ has passed down
but has Dracula’s blood really passed down, in=s their work in vain?
Does Bram Stoker really think Dracula is dead??