Chapter 27-28 Vocab Flashcards
delectatio, delectationis f.
delight, pleasure, enjoyment
nepos, nepotis, m.
grandson, descendant
sol, solis m.
diligens, gen diligentis.
diligent, careful
dissimilis, dissmilie
unlike, different
gracilis, gracilie
slender, thin
humilis, humile
lowly, humble
major, mainus compar. adj.
mairoes, maiorum m. pl.
greater, older
primus, prima, primum
first, foremost, chief, principal
quot, indecl adj
how many, as many as
similis, simile + gen or dat
similar (to), like, resembling
superus, supera, superum adj.
superi, superorum m noun
above, upper
the gods
utilis, utile
useful, advantageous
pono, ponere, posui, positum
to put, to place, to set
probo, probare, probavi, probatum
to approve, to recommend, to test, prove
arma, armorum pl. only
weapons, arms
cursus, cursus m.
running, race, course
luna, lunae f.
occasio, occasionis f.
occasion, opportunity
parens, parentis m/f
stella, stellae f.
star, planet
vesper, vesperis or vesperi m.
evening, evening star
mortuus, mortua, mortuum
princeps, gen . principis
cheif, foremost, leader, emperor
in order that, so that, in order to, so as to, to + indic., as, when
not, in order that… not, that … not, in order not to
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum
to go, withdraw, yield to, grant, submit
dedico, dedicare, dedicavi, dedicatum
to dedicate
egeo, egere, egui + abl. or gen.
to need, lack, want
expleo, explere, explevi, expletum
to fill, fill up, complete
praesto, praestare, praestiti, praestitum
to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitum
to be silent, leave unmentioned