Chapter 26 Notes Flashcards
Granted Native Americans plots of land (individual land holdings) and citizenship if they stayed on their land for 25 years and made a concerned effort to become civilized
-unfortunately the best land had been sold to spectators, railroad companies, and mining companies, so the policy failed
The Dawes-severalty act
Native American children were given Christian education that eventually would allow them to be assimilated into white American society
- Minnesota
- they were participants with the Custers massacre
- North and central Idaho
- United States withdrew the reservation status of the Wallowa Valley in Northeastern Oregon in 1875
- chief Joseph led his band in the Nez Pierce war (forced to retreat/surrender)
Nez perce
- The original Lakota/Dakota homelands were in what are now Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North/South Dakota
- there 13 Sioux political subdivisions, combined into seven major tribes
Lakota/Dakota Sioux
- in Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas
- they were extremely warlike and effectively prevented white settlers from passing safely through their territory for more than a century.
Interaction with the white Americans
- Disease (typhoid, cholera, small pox)
- Cut down trees
- killed Buffalo ( to feed railroad workers)
- make treaties (lights usually did not abide by their treaties)
- massacres
- Custer’s last stand
- sitting bull and his followers were living happily at Little Big Horn. But because of the US government’s new policy, all the renegades from other tribes flocked to this location. The tribes kept attacking the US. The US sent orders to military leaders to capture sitting bull.
- Custer’s last stand
___: “fifty niners” and “pikes peakers”
___: comstock lode
- __ had lots of cattle
- they were killed for___
- long drive
Their hides
Farmers= ___ party
At the time the Populist movement seemed revolutionary, not only because __ but also because it was an attempt to form a political alliance between poor whites and blacks.
Of its attack on lassez faire and monopoly capitalism
James weaver
Jacob s. Coxey
Farmers/populist wanted free and unlimited coinage of ___ , loans granted to farmers so they could store their crops in warehouses etc…
1892 election: __(populist)
After the election of 1896, populists ceased to exist as a national political party.
___ set out to Washington with a few supporters. His platform included demand that the government relieve ___ by inflationary public works program that should be funded by the treasury.
What else is going on
- ___ wrote the “significant of the Frontier in American history” in 1893.
- pull man strike
- ___ was formed to educate and culturally bond among farmers. Granger laws are passed to regulate the railroads and the grain elevator operators. In a series of landmark of Supreme Court decisions the farmers generally experienced ___.
- homestead act
- Frederick Jackson Turner
- National Grange of patrons and husbandry
- success
Gold or silver, election of 1896
- __: democrat, silver, cross of gold speech.
- __: republican, gold–> he wins
- populist a absorbed into democrats.
William Jennings Byran
-William McKinley
The idea to expand came from many theories…
- Farmers and factory workers were looking for___.
- America was bursting with a new sense of power generated by __.
- preserve the American Spirit
- yellow journalism
- The knowledge that the sea would be the key to ___
- manifest destiny: process the entire North American continent which led to a larger dreams of influencing the whole world
- Africa already carved up by Africa
- markets beyond American shores
- the vigorous growth in population, wealth, and productive capacity
- world dominance
- manifest destiny
___: Under consumption convinces government to adopt an imperialist policy
-increasing wages would allow workers to purchase the goods they produced, thereby resolving the problem of under consumption and eliminating the need to adopt and Imperialist policy.
John Hobson
__: argued that when the rates of profit fall the capitalist class seeks new markets to dominate and invest surplus capital. Because all capitalist nations take the same approach, dangerous inter-Imperial list rivalries results.
V.I. Lenin
__: Claimed that when supply exceeds demand, capitalist nations must find new markets and non-– capitalist areas, eventually, however, capitalism would have nowhere left to expand and, she hoped, would collapse.
-in particular, she focused on what implied capitalist concerns to expand beyond the borders of one country. To conquer other areas and forcibly incorporate the whole world into one system.
Rosa Luxembourg
Methods adopted by the United States to achieve its imperialist goals
- __: The US had interest in the Western Hemisphere and that European powers must not meddle in the affairs of any developing nation there.
- The policy was used to justify the sending of US troops into Mexico in 1866 and the purchase of Alaska in 1867
-Monroe doctrine of 1823
-__: Imperialism involves the physical presence of the center – the mother country – politically and militarily. Examples of this by the United States include the acquisition of
Formal imperialism
- Guam
- Cuba
- Puerto Rico
-__: formal control is not necessary. Instead, the imperial power can dominate colony, nation, or region and several different ways. Example is…
Informal imperialism
- Bring the economy out of the immediate financial crisis
- would create conditions that would allow for future investments.
- to reduce domestic conflict-especially between working and capitalist class.
Earliest policy would have the the following effects
\_\_\_ : Opposed that the US to become a world power it must develop first-class navy. - however, in order to have a great Navy, Coaling stations and naval bases were necessary.
Alfred T Mahans “the influence of the Sea power upon history”
__: Territorial expansion promote social, economic, political stability.
Frederick Jackson Turner, the significance of the frontier in American history
Religious aspect of imperialism
Other notion that imperialism allowed civilized Christian culture and opportunity to spread their way of life to lesser cultures
___: Worried that it would cost too much to maintain the expanded empire, and even worried that incorporating “lesser” cultures good weaken American purity.
Anti-imperialist league
To fix strange relationship with Japan to get to China was___. (Ended the Russo Japanese war in 1905)
Treaty if Portsmouth
__: Japan recognize US control over the Philippines and the US recognized Japan’s control over Korea. In order to show the extent of the US global reach, Pres. Roosevelt sent the U.S. Navy on an international cruise in 1907, making certain it stopped in Japan.
Taft-Katsura agreement:
__: The Japanese and the Americans desire to improve relations; by the agreement, they promised to preserve China’s independence, support the opened our policy and recognize each other’s possessions in the Pacific.
The root- takahira agreement