Chapter 26 Flashcards
Nursing Care: CHF
- keep child comfortable
- implement oxygenation nursing interventions
- ensure good skin care
- Positive inotropes (digoxin) used in cases of poor contractility
- Diuretics (Lasix) for cases of increased preload
- Vasodilators (captopril) used for cases of increased afterload
- All 3 used in conjunction
Educate/Discharge: CHF
- Educate on how to monitor vitals, recognize s/s, how to use medication, side effects of meds.
- Teach that a good exercise plan may help to make heart muscles stronger and help to prevent CHF, even by moderate walking
Nursing Care: Congenital Heart Disease
- Monitor and maintain child’s oxygen and nutritional status
- Provide emotional support
- Medical management usually focuses on treating the CHF that may develop due to specific defect
- Preoperative care: take thorough history and physical, provide and support education to family regarding type and process of surgery
- Postoperative care: includes admission into ICU, provide community-based resources to set up home-bound schooling
General education/discharge instructions for cardiac conditions in children
- Educate parents on: monitoring vital signs, how to recognize s/s of cardiac failure, importance of learning CPR, medication use, effects, and side effects, balance needed between encouraging activity and prohibiting it
- If child need pulse oximeter in home: teach parents to observe for subtle signs of CHF: SOB, decreased appetite, irritability, swelling, weight gain
- Postoperative teaching points: answer questions about diet, exercise and activity, and return to school
- Surgical wound care: keep clean and dry, steri-strips often left in place until they fall off, watch for signs of infection (redness, fever), cradle infant/baby; do not lift child from under arms until sternal bone is healed
Nursing Care: Patent Ductus Ateriosus
- Closure of PDA may be accomplished surgically, w/transcatheter device, and using medication indomethacin
- Focus on postsurgical measures: wound care, monitor vital signs, ensure adequate hydration and nutrition
- Monitor for signs of mitigation when transcatheter closure device used
Nursing Care: Atrioventricular Canal Defect
- Prior to surgery optimize cardiac output, ensure adequate weight gain
- After surgery focus on postoperative management and educate on support systems for children w/concomitant Down syndrome
Nursing Care: Pulmonic Stenosis
- Help pt reduce stressful situations that may cause high BP
- Surgical interventions: balloon angioplasty, valvuloplasty, open-heart surgery; monitor periodically for restenosis
Nursing Care: Aortic Stenosis
- Based on medical and/or postoperative management
- In critical situations, in pt w/narrow valves, preload and afterload reduction medication is indicated
- Surgical tx: balloon agioplasty or valvuloplasty performed to open narrow area; surgical intervention to repair or replace valve
Nursing Care: Coarctation of the Aorta
- Focus on postoperative management
- Monitor for evidence of restenosis through proper evaluation of upper and lower BPs
- Control severe rebound hypertension w/antihypertensives as needed (captopril, enalapril)
Nursing Care: Tricuspid Atresia
- Admin. prostaglandins to keep PDA from closing
- Focus on postoperative management of multiple surgeries (balloon angioplasty, shunt, Glenn procedure, Definitive Fontan procedure may be needed)
Nursing Care: Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return
- Requires complete surgical repair
- Focus on postsurgical management
Nursing Care: Transposition of the Great Arteries
- Focus on postoperative management
- Monitor for signs of stenosis around anastomosis sites
Nursing Care: Truncus Arteriosus
- Requires palliative and complete surgical repair
- Focus on postoperative management
- Tx for children includes aggressive medical regimen with inotropic medications along with preload and afterload reduction
Nursing Care: Tetralogy of Fallot
- Prior to surgery: prevent and minimize symptoms associated with defect
- After surgery: focus on postoperative management
Nursing Care: Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis
- Teach preventative measures
- Monitor vital signs
- Support family emotionally
- Provide info. about future outcomes (full recovery vs. valve replacement)
- Edu./Discharge: teach parents how to prevent future infections, how to recognize when infection may occur, to report febrile illness asap; instruct families that if child sustained any vulvar damage, follow-up visits should be made at regular intervals