Chapter 25: Complications of Pregnancy Flashcards
what are the 3 most common causes of hemorrhage during the first half of pregnancy?
- abortion
- ectopic pregnancy
- gestational trophoblastic dz
- loss of pregnancy of less than 20 weeks or a fetus less than 500 g
- can be spontaneous or induced
spontaneous abortion
- termination of pregnancy w/o action taken by the woman or another person
- incidence inc with paternal age and with inc maternal age
- most occur during first 12 weeks of pregnancy
- most common cause: severe congential abnormalities that are incompatible with life
- also caused by syphilis, listeriosis, toxoplasmosis, brucellosis, rubela, intraabdominal infections
- 6 types:
- threatened
- inevitable
- incomplete
- complete
- missed
- recurrent
threatened abortion
- first sign is vaginal bleeding
- other S/S are uterine cramping, persistent backache, feelings of pelvic pressure
- mgmt:
- bleeding during 1st half of pregnancy is considered a threatened abortion
- report bleeding and given detailed hx about bleeding and other symptoms
- U/S exam is done and test hCG levels
- should limit sexual activity until bleeding as ceased
- count perineal pads and note quantity/color
what problems may result from a pregnancy that does not end in spontaneous abortion after early bleeding?
- prematurity
- SGA infant
- abnormal presentation
- perinatal asphyxia
inevitable abortion
- ROM and cervix dilates
- incomplete evacuation–>infection/sepsis
- mgmt:
- natural expulsion is common
- vacuum curettage: removal of uterine contents with vacuum–>clear uterus if natural process is not effective
- D&C: used if pregnancy is more advanced or bleeding is excessive
- involves stretching the cervical os to scrape/suction uterus
- natural expulsion is common
incomplete abortion
- some but not all of products of conception are expelled
- S/S: active uterine bleeding, severe abdominal cramping, cervix opened
- mgmt:
- retained tissue prevents uterus from contracting firly, so profuse bleeding occurs
- MUST first stabilize CV state
- draw blood specimen for type and cross
- insert IV for fluid replacement and drug administration
- D&C done to remove tissue
- D&E done if the pregnancy is more advanced w/ a larger amount of tissue
- may need to administer oxytocin or methylergonovine to help stop bleeding
- D&C cannot be done after 14 wks gestation b/c of danger of excessive bleeding
- retained tissue prevents uterus from contracting firly, so profuse bleeding occurs
complete abortion
- occurs when all products of conception are passed from uterus
- after passage, uterine contractions and bleeding subsides and cervical os closes
- uterus feels small
- negative pregnancy test
- only have to intervene if excessive bleeding or infection occur
- woman should rest and watch for bleeding, pain, fever
- do not have sex until follow up with HCP
missed abortion
- occurs when fetus dies during first half of pregnancy but is retained in the uterus
- when fetus dies, early signs of pregnancy disappear (nausea, breast tenderness, urinary frequency)
- uterus stops growing and dec in size which reflects absorption of amniotic fluid and maceration of fetus (discoloration, softening, and tissue degeneration)
- mgmt:
- U/S confirms fetal death
- no fetal heart activity can be found
- hCG will be decreasing
- D&C or D&E are done
- PGs or misoprostol may be needed to induce contractions to expel the fetus
- 2 complications:
- infection
- U/S confirms fetal death
recurrent spontaneous abortion
- 3 or more spontaneous abortions
- primary causes: genetic or chromosomal abnormalities and anomalies of the reproductive tract (such as bicornuate uterus) or incompetent cervix
- mgmt:
- examine woman’s body for anomalies
- genetic screening for woman and partner
- cerclage: procedure to prevent early dilation of cervix may be done if abortions caused by cervical incompetence
- RhoGAM can be given to woman with Rh negative blood
nursing considerations for abortion
- psychological care: help them to grieve, answer questions
- listen to the woman and observe how she behaves
- convey acceptance of the feelings expressed
- teach that grief may last from 6 mos to one year
- occurs when anticoagulation is occurring, inappropriate coagulation also is occurring in the microcirculation
- tiny clots form in tiny blood vessels–>block blood flow to organs–>ischemia
- clotting mechanisms activated inappropriately
- consumption of platelets, fibrinogen, prothrombin, factor V and VIII occur and then they are consumed, the blood becomes deficient in clotting factors and can’t clot
- labs results establish dx: fibrinogen and platelets dec, PT and PTT may be prolonged
- tx: correct the cause
- blood replacement
dz that cause DIC fall into 3 major groups:
- infusion of tissue thromboplastic into the circulatino, which consumes other clotting factors
- ie placetal abruption, prolonged retention of a dead fetus
- conductions characterized by endothelial damage:
- ie severe preeclampsia
- ie HELLP: hemolysis, elevated levels of liver enzymes, and low platelet levels)
- nonspecific effects of some dz:
- ie maternal sepsis, amniotic fluid embolism
nursing considerations of DIC
- if have a dz that inc risk of DIC, nurse should observe for bleeding from unexpected sites
- sites for IV insertion or lab work, nosebleeds, or spontaneous bruising
- if coagulation studies are abnormal, an epidural block may be contraindicated
ectopic pregnancy
- implantation of fertilized ovum in an area outside the uterine cavity
- can lead to maternal death from hemorrhage
- leads to scarring of fallopian tubes
- pelvic infection (chlamydia and gonorrhea), failed tubal ligation, and hx of ectopic pregnancy in risk
- also inc risk: IUDs, low dose progesterone contraceptives, assistive reproductive technology
manifestations of ectopic pregnancy
- missed menstrual period
- positive pregnancy test
- abdominal pain
- vaginal spotting
- signs can depend on exactly where the implantation takes place
- if in distal fallopian tube, can support embryo longer, so may experience normal early signs of pregnancy
- if in proximal fallopian tube, can rupture tube in 2-3 weeks and cause sudden, severe pain in lower quadrants and abdominal hemorrhage which causes radiating pain under the scapula
- hypovolemic shock is a concern
mgmt and nursing considerations for ectopic pregnancy
- mgmt depends on if tube is intact or ruptured
- goal is to preserve tube and improve chance of future fertility
- methotrexate can be used to inhibit cell division of developing embryo
- surgical mgmt if unruptured–>linear salpingostomy to salvage the tube
- surgical mgmt if ruptured–>control bleeding and prevent hypovolemic shock
- when CV is stable, salpingectomy (removal of tube) w/ ligation of bleeding vessels may be required
- nurses should focus on early identification of hypovolemic shock, pain control, and psych support
- administer analgesics
- teach about SEs of methotrexate: n/v
- edu about refraining from drinking alcohol, taking vits with folic acid, and having sexual intercourse
what are the 2 main causes of hemorrhage after 20 weeks of gestation?
- placenta previa
- placental abruption
placenta previa
- implantation of uterus in the lower uterus–>placenta closer to the internal cervical os
- 3 types depending on how much the internal cervical os is covered by the placenta: total, partial, marginal
- marginal: placenta implanted more than 3 cm from internal cervical os
- partial: lower border of placenta w/in 3 cm of internal cervical os but does not completely cover os
- totaL: completely covered os
- more common in: older women, multiparas, women who have had C?S, and women who have had suction currettage
- inc risk if: African/Asian ethnicity, cigarette smoking and cocaine use, and male fetus
clinical manifestations of placenta previa
- classic sign is sudden onset of painless uterine bleeding in second half of pregnancy
- results from tearing of placental villi from uterine wall
- dx by U/S
- do not manually exam vagina until location and position of placenta verified
mgmt and nursing considerations of placenta previa
- mgmt: evaluate women to determine amount of hemorrhage and monitor the fetus
- also must consider gestational age
- maintain stable CV status for mother
- try to delay birth to inc birth weight and also administer corticosteroids to mother to speed maturation of fetal lungs
- home care criteria:
- no evidence of active bleeding, bed rest, short distance from hospital, can verbalize risks
- no intercourse to prevent disruption of fetus
placental abruption
- separation of normally implanted placenta before the fetus is born
- occurs in cases of bleeding and formation of a hematoma on maternal side of the placenta
- as the clot expands, further separation occurs
- dangers for woman: hemorrhage, hypovolemic shock, clotting abnormalities (DIC)
- dangers for fetus: asphyxia, excessive blood loss, prematurity
etiology of placental abruption
- inc risk: cocaine use (due to vasoconstriction–>abruption), maternal HTN, cigarette smoking, multigravida status, short umbilical cord, abdominal trauma, premature ROM, hx of previous premature separation, maternal age
manifestations of placental abruption
- bleeding: may be evident vaginally or concealed behind placenta
- uterine tenderness localized at site of abruption
- uterine irritability w/ frequent low intensity contractions and poor relaxation b/w contractions
- abdominal or low back pain that is described as dull/aching
- may be suffen and severe or intermittent and difficult to distinguish from labor contractions
- high uterine resting tone identified with intrauterine pressure catheter
- uterus becomes boardlike and tender
- also may show: nonreassuring FHR, back pain, signs of hypovolemic shick
- amniotic fluid may be a port wine color
nursing considerations and mgmt of placental abruption
- mgmt:
- if mild and under 34 weeks, bed rest, tocolytic use, administration of corticosteroids
- if fetal compromise of excessive bleeding: immediate delivery
- blood products for replacement and 2 large bore IV placed for fluid replacement
- may be very frightening b/c of pain and apprent danger
- if C/S is necessary, woman may feel pwerless and nurse should help explain what is going on
- excessive bleeding and fetal hypoxia are major concerns and nurse should monitor for these
hyperemesis gravidarum (HEG)
- most n/v in pregnancy should end by 13-14 weeks
- HEG is persistent, uncontrollable vomiting that begins in first weeks of pregnancy and may continue throughout pregnancy
- can have serious consequences (morning sickness is self limiting and has no seirous complications):
- loss of 5% or more of pre-pregnancy weight, dehydration, acidosis from starvation, elevated levels of blood and urine ketones, alkalosis from loss of HCl in gastric fluids, and hypokalemia
- short term hepatic dysfunction w/ elevated liver enzymes
- deficiency of vit K–>coagulation disorders
- deficiency of thiamine–>encephalopathy
- can have serious consequences (morning sickness is self limiting and has no seirous complications):
etiology of HEG
- cause is not known, but more common among unmarried white women, during first pregnancies, and in multifetal pregnancies
- possible causes include allergy to fetal proteins, elevation of pregnancy hormones, maternal thyroid dysfunction, h. pylori
clinical manifestations of HEG
- persistent n/v
- weight loss
- thirst
- oliguria
- dry mucous membranes/skin
- poor skin turgor
- constipation
- lethargy
- inc urine specific gravity (>1.025)
- hypovolemia: hypoTN and tachycardia
- labs: inc BUN and hct, dec Na/K/Cl
therapeutic mgmt of HEG
- should first exclude other causes of persistent n/v
- lab studies include H&H which may be elevated b/c of dehydration
- electrolytes: dec Na, K, and Cl
- elevated Cr
- tx:
- correct dehydration: IV fluids may be necessary
- antiemetics: ondansetron, promethazine, H2 receptor antagonistis, PPIs, metoclopramide
- improve nutrition:
- vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
- diet
nursing considerations for HEG
- monitor V/S and monitor I&Os
- daily weights
- monitor U/S for growth
- monitor urine for ketones which can indicate fat stores being broken down to meet energy needs
- monitor for signs of dehydration: dec fluid intake, dec urine output, inc urine SG, dry mucous membranes/skin, skin turgor
- monitor labs: BMP, H&H
- to reduce n/v:
- small portions of food
- do not eat foods with strong odors
- carbs are more easily digested
- take soups and liquids b/w meals
- sit up after meals
- maintain nutrition and fluid balance
- eat every 2-3 hours
- salt the food to replace chloride lost in HCl thru vomit
- consume K and Mg rich foods
- IV fluids and TPN if needed
- social support:
- allow verbalization of impact
- explore reluctance to accept pregnancy
- recognize lack of support available
gestational trophoblastic dz
- AKA hydatidiform mole–>developmental anomaly of the placenta
- occurs when trophoblasts develop abnormally, so the abnormality of the placenta develops, and if present, a fetus will have a fatal chromosomal abnormality
- inc risk at both ends of reproductive life and inc risk among Asian women
- inc risk if have already had one GTD
- presents as an edematous grapelike cluster on U/S
- may or may not be malignant
- may develop into choriocarcinoma
clinical manifestations of GTD
- higher levels of hCG than expected for gestation
- characteristic snowstorm U/S pattern that shows the vesicles and absence of a fetal sac or fetal hear activity
- uterus larger than expected for gestational age
- vaginal bleeding: varies from dark brown spotting to profuse hemorrhage
- excessive n/v (HEG) which may be related to elevated hCG
- early development of preeclampsia (usually not diagnosed until 24 weeks in “normal” pregnancy)
mgmt of GTD
- medical mgmt:
- evacuation of trophoblastic tissue of the mole
- continuous f/u of the woman to detect malignant changes of any remaining trophoblastic tissue
- CXR, CT scan, or MRI can be used to detect metastatic dz
- may need CBC, type and screen in case transfusion is needed
- mole usually removed by vacuum aspiration followed by curettage
- then give oxytocin to contract uterus, but should AVOID oxytocin before evacuation b/c tissue can become embolized if given before
- f/u to check for malignancy
four categories of HTN during pregnancy
- gestational HTN: BP elevation after 20 weeks of pregnancy NOT accompanied by proteinuria
- may progress to preeclampsia
- if persists after birth, then called chronic HTN
- preeclampsia: systolic BP of 140 or greater OR diastolic BP of 90 or greater after 20 weeks gestation accompanied by significant proteinuria
- edema is present but non-specific for pre-eclampsia
- eclampsia: progression of preeclampsia to generalized seizures
- chronic HTN: elevated BP was known to exist before pregnancy or before 20 weeks
preeclampsia: risk factors
- major cause of perinatal death and IUGR
- risk factors:
- 1st pregnancy
- 1st pregnancy for father of baby or man who has previously fathered one preeclamptic pregnancy
- age >35
- anemia
- hx of PIH
- chronic HTN
- obesity
- DM
- multifetal pregnancy
- African Americans
patho of preeclampsia
- result of generalized vasospasm
- peripheral vascular resistance inc b/c some women are sensitive to Ang II and may have a dec in vasodilators
- vasospasm dec diameter of blood vessels–>endothelial damage–>circulation to body organs is dec
- ratio of thromboxane to prostacyclin increases
- only cure is to deliver the baby
patho of altered metabolism related to pre-eclampsia: thromboxane vs. prostacyclin
- thromboxane:
- from kidney and trophoblastic tissue
- vasoconstrictor
- platelet aggregation
- uterine irritability
- dec utero placental blood flow
- prostacyclin:
- from placenta and endothelial cells
- vasodilator
- inhibits platelet aggregation
- dec uterine activity
- inc uterine blood flow
patho of renal perfusion w/ preeclampsia
- decreased renal perfusion occurs with pre-eclampsia which causes a reduced GFR
- BUN, creatinine, and uric acid levels rise
- protein leaks across glomerular membrane
- loss of protein from kdineys reduces colloid osmotic pressure and allows fluid to shift to interstitial spaces–>edema and reduction of intravascular volume which causes inc viscosity of blood and rise in hct level
- b/c of reduced intravascular volume, Ang II and aldosterone triggers retention of water and Na which resultsin further vasospasm and HTN–>edema worsens
- loss of protein from kdineys reduces colloid osmotic pressure and allows fluid to shift to interstitial spaces–>edema and reduction of intravascular volume which causes inc viscosity of blood and rise in hct level
patho of liver circulation as it relates to pre-eclampsia
- reduced liver circulation impairs function and leads to hepatic edema and subcapsular hemorrhage–>hemorrhagic necrosis
- shows as elevated liver enzymes and epigastric pain occurs
patho of cerebral circulation as it relates to pre-eclampsia
- vasoconstriction of cerebral vessels leads to pressure induced rupture of thin walled capillaries–>small cerebral hemorrhage
- S/S: HA, cisual disturbances (spots before the eyes), hyperactive DTRs
patho of pulmonary circulation as it relates to pre-eclampsia
- decreased colloid oncotic pressure can lead to pulmonary capillary leak–>pulmonary edema
- dyspnea is primary symptom
patho of nutritional deficiency as it relates to pre-eclampsia
- low protein: protein responsible for cellular growth
- hypomagnesemia: magnesium is a vasodilator
- calcium: inverse relationship b/w calcium intake and incidence of eclampsia
prenatal preventive measures for pre-eclampsia
- monitor weight gain, BP, and urinary protein level
complications of pre-eclampsia
- placental abruption
- hematologic problems: DIC, thrombocytopenia
- renal failure
- hepatic failure
- newborn complications:
- SGA r/t utero placental insufficiency
- reduced amniotic fluid
- intrauterine fetal death
clinical manifestations of pre-eclampsia
- classic signs: first sign is usually HTN
- proteinuria (identified w/ clean catch urine specimen)
- additional signs:
- retina: vascular constriction and narrowing of small arteries
- hyperactive DTRs
- labs: liver or renal dysfunction
- coagulation may be impaired and platelets dec
- generalized edema: may first show as rapid weight gain
- symptoms:
- continuous HA
- drowsiness
- mental confusion
- visual disturbances: blurred/double vision
- numbness/tingling of hands or feet
- epigastric pain
- dec urinary output
diagnostic criteria for mild pre-eclampsia
- BP: 140/90 on 2 occasions 6 hours apart
- proteinuria: 300 mg in 24 hour period, or trace to 1+/2+ by urine dipstick
- I&O
- transient HA
- hyperreflexia 2+ or 3+
- no clonus
mgmt of mild preeclampsia
- IV mag sulfate
- antiHTN therapy
- corticosteroids to accelerate fetal lung maturity if <34 weeks
- activity restriction: rest frequently
- lateral position for at least 1.5 hours/day dec pressure of vena cava and inc cardiac return and circulatory volume
- BP: BP should be checked in same arm and in the same position 2-4 times/day
- weight: weight each morning
- urinalysis: urine dipstick for protein using first void daily
- fetal monitoring: kcik counts, U/S, BPP
- diet: need ample protein and calories
- diet w/o salt or fluid restriction
labs to manage pre-eclampsia
- magnesium levels
- liver fcn tests
- CBC w/ platelets
- uric acid
- serum creatinine
- bilirubin
- 24 hour urine for protein and creatinine clearance
- need to deliver if unstable or HELLP occurs
assessment for pre-eclampsia
- Cardiovascular system
- Hematologic system
- Hepatic system
- Uteroplacental system
- Renal system
- Neurological system
assessment of CV system for pre-eclampsia
- assess V/S:
- BP w/ client in left lateral recumbent position
- pulse
- respirations
- temp q4 hrs
- FHR: continuously
assessment of hematologic system for pre-eclampsia
- assess for bleeding:
- petechia
- bruising
- epistaxis
- gingival bleeding
- hematuria
- excessive vaginal bleeding
- conjunctival hemorrhage
- oozing from incision/puncture site
assessment of hepatic system w/ preeclampsia
- assess n/v:
- RUQ or epigastric pain
- portal HTN may result in epigastric pain and may precede hepatic rupture
- monitor lab values: liver function studies–>SGOT, SGPT, AST, ALT
assessment of uteroplacental system w/ preeclampsia
- antepartum:
- U/S
- intrapartum:
- continuous fetal monitoring
assessment of renal system w/ preeclampsia
- daily weights: inquire about weight gain
- assess edema
- monitor I&O and urine protein
- notify HCP if <30 mL/hour
- monitor lab values:
- inc BUN, Cr, and uric acid
- renal damage as indicated by oliguria
assessment of neurological system w/ preeclampsia
- assess neuro deficits and LOC
- HAs from CNS irritability–>severe or continuous
- visual disturbances: blurred vision, seeing spots of flashing lights, diplopia
- drowsy/dizziness
- assess DTRs and clonus q1 hr
- patellar and/or biceps reflexes
assessment of clonus w/ preeclampsia
- clonus:
- position client w/ legs dangling over edge of examining table
- support leg w/ one hand and sharply dorsiflex the client’s foot w/ other hand
- maintain dorsiflexed position for a few seconds then release foot
negative vs. positive clonus
- negative clonus (normal):
- 0 beats
- foot remains steady: no rhythmic oscillations when foot dorsiflexed
- when released, foot drops to flexed position w/ no oscillations
- positive clonus (abnormal):
- 1-4 beats
- rhythmic oscillations when dorsiflexed
- similar oscillations when foot drops to plantar flexed position
diagnostic criteria for severe pre-eclampsia
- BP over 160/110 2 readings, 6 hrs apart while on bed rest
- proteinuria >5 g in 24 hr or 3+ or higher on urine dipstick
- elevated creatinine
- dec platelets
- elevated liver enzymes
- oliguria
- severe, unrelenting HA
- visual disturbances present
- n/v/epigastric pain
- hyperreflexia w/ or w/o clonus
- pulmonary edema or cyanosis
- thrombocytopenia
- fetus: growth restriction and reduced amniotic fluid volume
HELLP syndrome
- hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelets
- may be assoc with preeclampsia and develop during third trimester
- client at risk for:
- hemorrhage
- pulmonary edema
- hepatic rupture
- tx: mag sulfate to control seizures and hydralazine to control BP
- fluid replacement is managed to avoid worsening reduced intravascular volume
- if woman is near term and has a favorable cervix, induction of labor is preferred to avoid bleeding and clotting complications
signs of impending seizures
- hyperreflexia, and possible clonus
- inc signs of cerebral irritability (HA, visual disturbance)
- epigastric or RUQ pain, n/v
seizure preventive measures
- reduce external stimuli
- quiet room with door closed
- pad door to reduce noise
- keep lights low and noise to a minimum
- block phone calls
- group nursing assessments to allow woman periods of undisturbed rest
- avoid bumping bed or startling woman
- restrict visitors
how to prevent seizure related injury
- padded side rails
- O2 and suction equipment
- preeclampsia box:
- medium plastic airway
- ambu bag w/ mask
- ophthalmoscope
- tourniquet
- reflex hammer
- syringes and needles
- meds: mag sulfate, calcium gluconate
how to protect a woman during a seizure
- stay w/ pt and call for help
- turn onto side during tonic phase to permit greater circulation to placenta and prevent aspiration
- note time and sequence
- eclampsia marked by tonic clonic seizure preceded by facial twitching
- insert airway after seizure
- suction mouth and nose
- O2 by mask at 8-10 L/min
- notify HCP
- prepare for med administration
administration and antidote of magnesium sulfate
- administration:
- infusion pump: piggyback into mainline IV
- loading dose: 4-6 g then 1-3 g/hour
- antidote: calcium gluconate–>10 mL of a 10% soln IV push over 10 min
serum levels of magnesium sulfate
- 4-8 mg/dL: therapeutic
- 9-12 mg/dL: loss of reflexes
- 15-17 mg/dL: respiratory and muscular paralysis
- 30-35 mg/dL: cardiac arrest
class and action of magnesium sulfate
- class:
- beta adrenergic agent
- anticonvulsant
- tocolytic
- action:
- CNS depressant
- competes w/ calcium to reduce muscle excitation to slow and stop uterine activity
- lowers seizure threshold
maternal SEs to mag sulfate
- flushing
- HA
- dry mouth
- dizziness
- lethargy
- pulmonary edema
fetal SEs to mag sulfate
- drug crosses placenta
- dec in FHR variability
- hypotonia
- lethargy
- respiratory depression
signs of mag toxicity
- resp rate <12 breaths per min
- maternal pulse ox reading less than 95%
- absence of DTRs
- sweating, flushing
- altered sensorium: condused, lethargic, slurred speech, drowsy
- hypoTN
- serum magnesium value above 4-8 mg/dL
nursing considerations with mag sulfate
- monitor magnesium and calcium levels
- monitor DTRs
- continuous FHR monitoring
- baseline maternal V/S, then q2-4 hours
- assess resp status
- RR rate: d/c if <12
- auscultate lungs
- monitor strict I&O
- urinary output of 30 mL/hour
- titrate IV and PO fluids
- postpartum:
- continue magnesium 24-48 hours
- strict I&O
- continue magnesium 24-48 hours
respond to signs of mag sulfate toxicity
- notify HCP
- obtain mag sulfate level
- monitor mag sulfate levels q12 hours
- dec mag sulfate per protocol
- monitor fetal well being
- administer calcium gluconate as ordered
- continue close monitoring of client
nursing considerations with mag sulfate toxicity
- monitor CNS status: changes indicate cerebral hypoxia or impending seizure
- provide quiet, low stimulus env, limit visitors
- provide bedrest: position client in left lateral position
- monitor DTR and presence of clonus
- monitor FHR and contraction pattern
- provide adequate fluids
- protect client from injury
- initiate seizure precautions
- administer seizure meds
- prepare for delivery after stabilization of client
super imposed pre-eclampsia
- woman who has chronic HTN with pre-eclampsia superimposed
- worse prognosis for mother and fetus
- inc risk for:
- placental abruption
- acute renal failure
- fetal demise
- maternal demise
- closely monitor chronic HTN if proteinuria develops or when edema occurs in upper half of body
- serum uric acid is helpful in confirming dx of superimposed PIH
- pre-eclampsia that has progressed to include maternal tonic clonic seizures
support for family after an eclamptic seizure
- explain what happened
- don’t minimize seriousness
- explain that it lasts a few min, pt is unconscious, drowsy for some time
- acknowledge that seizure indicates worsening of condition
- HCP will determine future mgmt
- may include delivery