Chapter 25 Flashcards
Size or fullness of voltage
Electrical activation of the atria
Atrial depolarization
Contraction of the two ventricles
Ventricular systole
Originating from many foci or sites
Occurs every second beat, as in PVCs
Coming or originating from one site
Belonging to anything naturally
Local deficiency of blood supply resulting from obstruction of the circulation to another part
Period of relaxation of the ventricle
Ventricular diastole
Use of electrical device to apply countershocks to the heart through electrodes placed on the chest wall to stop fibrillation
Electrical tracing is at zero and is neither positive nor negative
Isoelectric line
Failure of the heart to maintain adequate circulation
Condition in which there is a complete dissociation between atrial and ventricular systoles
Complete heart block
Contraction of the atria
Atrial systole
Force with which left ventricular ejection occurs
Occurring every third beat, as in PVCs
Defect in heart conduction system in which right bundle does not conduct impulses normally
Right bundle branch block
Elective procedure in which synchronized shock of 25 to 50 joules is delivered to restore normal sinus rhythm
Reestablishment of the polarized state of the muscle after contraction
Ventricular repolarization
Naturally occurring rhythm of the ventricles when the rest of the conduction system fails
Ventricular escape rhythm
Beat occurring every fourth complex as in premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)
Rate no less than 60
An early beat
Chamber of the heart that propels blood into the pulmonary artery
Right ventricle
A chaotic pattern - no visible cardiac cycles
Ventricular fibrillation
The wave that follows the QRS complex
T wave
A small wave seen after the T wave
U wave
The first positive deflection on a QRS complex
R wave
The chamber of the heart that pumps the blood to the rest of the body
Left ventricle
The downward deflection after the R wave
S wave
Heart rate of more than 100 beats per minute