chapter 23 vocab Flashcards
second industrial revolution
associated with steel, chemicals, electricity, and oil
henry bessemer
an english engineer, discovered a new process, named after him, for manufacturer steel cheaply in large quantities.
solway process
replaced the leblanc process, allowing the recovery of more chemical by-products. New processed permitted increased production of sulfuric acid and laundry soap.
gottlieb daimler
german engineer, improving the modern internal combustion engine. He had mounted it on a carriage body specifically desgined to incorporate a still more improved internal combustion engine and the automobile was born
Henry Ford
He was an American who revolutionized the car industry with mass production of the first automobile.
White collar workers
the development of larger industrial plants created these jobs. These included clerks, typists, secretaries, file clerks and sales clerks. Some needed some education skills such as teaching or nursing. Working class women filled these jobs to escape the lower class jobs
Petite Nourgeoisie
lower middle class, included secretaries, retail clerks, and lower level bureaucrates in buisness and government, middle class, may be associated with unions.
The eiffel tower
originally used for international trade exposition, now being rebuilt as the symbol of the social and political divisions between liberals and coservatives in the third republic
cholera touched all classes, caused by air miasmas, concerns with health and housing first. (great epidemic)
the cult of domesticity
women’s role is to make a man’s home delightful, make her husband happy; women to NOT work, rear children, stay at home all the time
millicent and henry fawcet
millicent fawcett- led moderate national union of womens suffrage societies, believed parliament would grant women the vote
Henry fawcett-liberal party cabnet minister and economist who also supported womens suffrace, tactics of english liberals.
emmeline pankhurst
led a much radical branch of british feminist, active in irish nationalist politics, disruptive political tactics, confronted police on right to hold meetings, founded the Womens social and political union,
followers of the Womens social and Political Union. lobbied publicly and privately for extending the vote to women. Turned to violent attacks, like arson, breaking windows, sabotage of postal boxes, marched to parliment.
organized riots against jewish neighborhoods and villages.
prejudice against jews
karl marx
founder of modern communism, created Marxism, proletarian uprising, wanted an integration of capitalism.
the fabian society
founded in 1884, Britain most influential socialist group, society gradualism approach to major social reform, its leaders were Beatrice Webb, etc
taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others
a moderate evolutionary form of Marxism
heated debate among german socialist, argued that evolution toward social democracy might be possible in liberal, parliamentary britain, but not in authoritarian militaristic germany.
are nobles/rich families who would let peasants work on their land
roots of the social revolutionary party, and populist party, new party opposed industrialism and looked to the communal life of rural russia as a model for the future, The constitutional democratic party or cadets was formed, this liberal party drew its members fro those who participated in the local councils called…..
meaning majority, lenins faction, intended the party to consist of elite professional revolutionaries who would provide centralized leadership for the working class,
led by Vladimir Lenin it was the Russian communist party that took over the Russian goverment during WWI
another part of lenin’s faction, believed/wanted a party with a mass membership which would function democratically.
Means “minority”. Group created from the split of the SDs, led by Martov. Tried to take power from Bolsheviks in Civil war beginning in 1918, but did not succeed.
russian national legislature
nicholass 2 announced this representative body, has two chambers,