Chapter 23 - Tax in Company Financial Statements Flashcards
Corporation Tax
CT charge is an estimate which is accrued for at the end of the AP and is paid to HMRC 9 months and 1 days after
1) Put opening CT provision into CT creditor ledger
2) Dr CT creditor with payment of last year’s tax
Cr Bank
3) Then put through any under/over provision adjustments
DR CT charge (under provision)
CR CT creditor
DR CT creditor (over provision)
CR CT charge
Step 1
Put opening CT provision into CT creditor ledger
Step 2
Dr CT creditor with payment of last year’s tax
Cr Bank
Step 3
Then put through any under/over provision adjustments:
DR CT charge (under provision)
CR CT creditor
DR CT creditor (over provision)
CR CT charge
Step 4
Post this year’s estimate of CT tax on profits for the period:
DR CT charge
CR CT creditor
Step 5
Balance off the CT charge ledger to thr P&L a/c. Balance off the CT creditor ledger to give a new balance b/d
CT creditor can be called CT provision, CT liability.
CT charge can be called CT expense
Deferred Tax
Deferred tax is an accounting adjustment only. DT is provided on timing differences (ie items that appear int he P&L a/c in one period and in the tax comp in another). DT is used to try and match income and expenditure with a related amount of tax in the P&L a/c for the year
DT: Exam Technique
Step 1: identify expenses that have been allowed for CT purposes (e.g cap allowances)
Step 2: deduct the equivalent expense that has been deducted in the P&L acc (e.g depr). This gives you the timing difference that will be positive or negative
Step 3: Apply the relevant CT rate to the timing difference from Step 2, this movement is the DT provision. A positive is an increase and a negative is a decrease to the provision
DT: Double Entry - Increase
DR DT charge (P&L expense increase)
CR DT provision (B/S liability increase)
DT: Double Entry - Decrease
DR DT provision (B/S liability decrease)
CR DT charge (P&L expense decrease)
Alternative DT Method
Not technically correct but easier to apply and will work providing there’s no permanent differences between the CT tax calc and the profit before tax such as disallowed expenses for tax purposes
Step 1: Calculated the CT tax charge in the AP as normal
Step 2: Using the same tax rat, calc the expected tax charge on the profit before tax figure in the accounts
Step 3: The movement in the deferred tax provision is the balancing figure between the two
Positive balancing figure increases the provision, a negative reduces it
DT Reconcilliations
A DT rec is a note to the P&l a/c in a set of co accounts that explains why the CT charge in the PL doesn’t equal the expected tax charge.
Expected Tax Charge
Profit before tax in the P&L at the rate of CT
DT Rec: Exam Technique - Step 1
Start with PBT and do the normal adjustments to get trade profit. Calculate the tax due for the AP as normal
DT Rec: Exam Technique - Step 2
Set up the rec working, start with the CT charge at the top.
- Any adjustments which were added back need to be times by the CT rate and deducted from the charge rec
- Any adjustments which were deducted must be times by the tax rate and added to the charge rec
Another way to show step 2 is to put the adjustments under sub headings to show they are either timing or perma differences
DT Rec: Exam Technique - Step 3
Add up the rec to give the expected tax charge.
It can also be calculated by taking PBT from the PL and multiplying it by the CT rate