Chapter 23 Key Terms Flashcards
Applied Kinesiology (AK)
From of medicine that includes joint mobilizations or manipulations, myofascial therapy, cranial techniqes, meridian therapy, clinical nutrition, dietary management, and reflex procedures.
Use of essential oils to bring about physiologic or psychological response in the body.
Ayurvedic Medicine
The ancient Hindu art of practicing medicine and prolonging life. Diagnosis is done by palpation of the pulses in different positions.
Chiropractic Therapy
Form of medicine that manually restores reduced motion in the spine and limbs, thereby improving patient mobility, comfort, and in many cases, nervous system function.
Therapeutic techniques used to decrease tissue temperature; cold therapy.
Glandular Therapy
Type of supplement that consists of animal products to supply nutrients (steroid, enzymes, and raw materials of some organs, such as liver) to the patient to help restore health.
Technique used to measure ROM at a joint.
Form of medicine that concentrates on the “whole” animal and animal wellness, rather than concentrating on clinical signs of disease.
System of medicine that is based on the principle that “like cures like.”
Use of water for therapeutic effects.
Various types of manual strokes applied to the body to promote relaxation, to decrease pain, or to promote circulation to surrounding tissues.
Method of application or use of any therapeutic agent, usually physical agents.
Myotherapy (Trigger Point Therapy)
Form of massage that uses ischemic compression to relieve pain and muscle spasms.
Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
A modality of physical therapy in which small electrical impulses are sent through the skin to underlying nerves and muscle; creating an involuntary muscle contraction. NMES is helpful in maintaining muscle tone in patients with muscle atrophy caused by disuse and imcapacitation.
Nutritional supplements.
Passive Range of Motion (PROM)
Joint movement caused by a therapist who moves a limb with no assistance from the patient.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
Complementary therapy that directs electromagnetic pulses through injured tissue, stimulating cellular repair. PEMF is used in healing soft tissues wounds, suppressing inflammatory responses, alleviating pain, and increasing ROM.
Restoration of health.
Thermal Agents
Tools used to modify tissue temperature and change blood flow to surrounding tissues.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Form of medicine that combines acupuncture, herbology, and massage therapy.
Ultrasound (therapeutic)
Penetrating tissue through high-frequency sound waves to decrease pain and improve healing of tissues.
Use of needles (or injection of fluid, laser, ultrasound, surgically implanted material, or electrical stimulation) to stimulate specific predetermined “acupuncture points” in the body to produce chemical or physiologic changes in the body. It is combined with herbs and massage to make up traditional Chinese medicine.