Chapter 22 Study Guide Flashcards
Mutual aid societies
Nonprofit organization designed to provide their members with financial and social benefits, often including medical aid, life insurance, funeral costs, and disaster relief
Legal government seizure of private property without compensation
Pocket veto
Presidential act of blocking a congressionally passed law not by directed veto but by simply refusing to sign it at the end of a session.
System in which debtors are held in servitude, to labor for their creditors
Agricultural system in which a tenant receives land, tools, and seed on credit and pledges in return a share off the crop to the creditor
Derogatory term for pro-union southerners whom southern democrats accused of plundering the resources of the south in collision with the republican governments after the civil war
Derogatory term used by southern whites to describe northern businessmen and politicians who came to the south after the civil war to work on reconstruction projects or invest in southern infrastructure
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson was the 17th President of the United States, serving from 1865 to 1869. Johnson became president as he was vice president at the time of President Abraham Lincoln’s assassination
William Seward
William Henry Seward was United States Secretary of State from 1861 to 1869, and also served as Governor of New York and United States Senator.
Civil disabilities
Legally imposed restrictions of a person’s civil rights or liberties