Chapter 22: Platelets, Blood coagulation, and hemostasis Flashcards
What are the five major components of the hemostatic system?
(1) coagulation factors
(2) Platelets
(3) coagulation inhibitors
(4) fibrinolysis
(5) Blood vessels
What is the unique process by which megakaryocytes mature?
Endomitotic synchronous replication (the expansion of the cytoplasm as the DNA is replicated without nuclear or cytoplasmic division)
How many platelets can on megakaryocyte produce?
How long does it take a megakaryocyte to mature from a hematopoietic stem cell to the point where it can produce platelets?
About 10 days
What growth factor controls megakarycyte activity and where is it produced?
TPO (thrombopoietin) stimulate megakaryocytes and is made constitutively in the liver and kidneys.
Why do thrombopoietin levels rise dramatically during thrombocytopenia?
Because platelets also posses the c-Mpl receptor for TPO by which they remove TPO from the circulation.
What is the normal platelet count?
What is the normal platelet lifespan?
7-10 days
What proportion of bone marrow platelet output is trapped in the normal spleen?
33% (can rise to 90% in cases of splenomegaly.
What kinds of granules to platelets posses?
alpha, dense, and lysosomes.
What is contained in alpha granules?
(1) PF4 ( a heparin antagonist)
(2) PDGF
(3) Beta-thromboglobulin
(4) fibrinogen
(5) vWF
(6) other clotting factors.
What is contained in dense granules?
Dens greanules are less common and contain
1) ADP
(2) ATP
(3) 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT
(4) Calcium
What do the lysosomes and peroxisomes contain?
lysosome contain hydrolytic enzymes and peroxisomes contain catalase.
What is the open canalicular system?
A series of canalicular invaginations or tunnels through the platelet that communicate with the external environment.
What antigens to platelets posses?
HPA A and B
ABO antigens
HLA class 1 but not class II
What is the primary function of platelets?
To form a mechanical hemostatic plug.
What molecule allow platelets to adhere to the ECM?