Chapter 21 JDBC Notes Flashcards
JDBC five
: Establishes aconnection
to the database -
: Sendscommands
to a database -
: Executes aSQL
query -
: Executescommands
stored in the database -
: Readsresults
of a query
Java Persistence API (JPA):
Accesses data through Java objects using a concept called object‐relational mapping (ORM)
. The idea is that you don’t have to write as much code, and you get your data in Java objects. JPA is not on the exam, and therefore it is not covered in this
public class MyFirstDatabaseConnection { public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { String url = "jdbc:derby:zoo"; try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM animal"); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { while ( System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); } } }
:Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
Prepare statement
: (sql statement is mandatory)PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT name FROM animal");
:ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery())
The JDBC classes are all in the module java.sql
When working with SQL, you need the java.sql module andimport java.sql.*.
That said, if you do want to use JDBC code with modules, remember to update your module‐info file to include the following:requires java.sql;
has a variety of formats. They have three
parts in common.
- Protocal : jdbc
- Subprotocal : Product/Vendor name, ex: derby, mysql, or postgres
- Subname : Database specific connection details
- Colon separators (
ex :
> [!Note]
The subname typically contains information about the database such as the location
and/or name
of the database.
The syntax varies.
You need to know about the three main parts. You don’t need to memorize the subname formats.
jdbc:derby:zoo jdbc:postgresql://localhost/zoo jdbc:oracle:thin:@ jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306 jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/zoo?profileSQL=true
- First line It starts with jdbc and then comes the subprotocol derby, and it ends with the subname, which is the database name. The location is not required, because Derby is an in‐memory database.
- the port is optional when using the default location.
Do you see what is wrong with each of the following?
jdbc:postgresql://local/zoo jdbc:mysql://123456/zoo jdbc;oracle;thin;/localhost/zoo
- The first one uses local instead of localhost. The literal localhost is a specially defined name. You can’t just make up a name. Granted, it is possible for our database server to be named local, but the exam won’t have you assume names. If the database server has a special name, the question will let you know it.
- The second one says that the location of the database is 123456. This doesn’t make sense. A location can be localhost or an IP address or a domain name. It can’t be any random number.
- The third one is no good because it uses semicolons ( ;) instead of colons ( :).
There are two main ways to get a Connection: DriverManager
or DataSource.
is the one covered on the exam.
The DriverManager
class is in the JDK, as it is an API that comes with Java. It uses the factory pattern, which means that you call a static method to get a Connection, rather than calling a constructor. The factory pattern means that you can get any implementation of the interface when calling the method. The good news is that the method has an easy‐to‐remember name— getConnection()
To get a Connection
from the Derby
database, you write the following:
import java.sql.*; public class TestConnect { public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:zoo"); System.out.println(conn); } }
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:derby:zoo at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at java.sql/java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection( at connection.TestConnect.main(
java -cp "<path_to_derby>/derby.jar"
This time the program runs successfully and prints something like the following:
org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection40@1372082959 (XID = 156), (SESSIONID = 1), (DATABASE = zoo), (DRDAID = null)
There is also a signature that takes a username and password.
import java.sql.*; public class TestExternal { public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ocp-book", "username", "Password20182"); System.out.println(conn); } }
- Notice the
parameters that are passed togetConnection()
. - The first is the JDBC
that you learned about in the previous section. - The second is the username for accessing the database,
- and the third is the password for accessing the database. It should go without saying that our password is not Password20182. Also, don’t put your password in real code. It’s a horrible practice. Always load it from some kind of configuration, ideally one that keeps the stored value encrypted.
You might see Class.forName()
in code. It was required with older drivers (that were designed for older versions of JDBC) before getting a Connection. It looks like this:
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/ocp-book", "username", "password"); }
loads a class before it is used. With newer drivers, Class.forName() is no longer required.
In Java, you have a choice of working with a Statement
, PreparedStatement
, or CallableStatement
The latter two are subinterfaces of Statement
While it is possible to run SQL directly with Statement
, you shouldn’t. PreparedStatement
is far superior for the following reasons:
- Performance: In most programs, you run similar queries multiple times. A PreparedStatement figures out a plan to run the SQL well and remembers it.
- Security: As you will see in Chapter 22, “Security,” you are protected against an attack called SQL injection when using a PreparedStatement correctly.
- Readability: It’s nice not to have to deal with string concatenation in building a query string with lots of parameters.
- Future use: Even if your query is being run only once or doesn’t have any parameters, you should still use a PreparedStatement. That way future editors of the code won’t add a variable and have to remember to change to PreparedStatement then.
Using the Statement
interface is also no longer in scope for the JDBC exam, so we do not cover it in this book. In the following sections, we will cover obtaining a PreparedStatement, executing one, working with parameters, and running multiple updates.
Example :
try (PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM exhibits")) { // work with ps }
Passing a SQL
statement when creating the object is mandatory
try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement()) { // DOES NOT COMPILE }
There are overloaded signatures that allow you to specify a ResultSet type and concurrency mode. On the exam, you only need to know how to use the default options, which processes the results in order.
Modifying Data with
int executeUpdate()
Reading Data with
ResultSet executeQuery()
Processing Data with
boolean execute()
- if
sql statement returntrue
, getResultSet
- else return
. get int viaps.getUpdateCount()
- if
Modifying Data with executeUpdate()
Here’s an example of all three update types:
10: var insertSql = "INSERT INTO exhibits VALUES(10, 'Deer', 3)"; 11: var updateSql = "UPDATE exhibits SET name = '' " + 12: "WHERE name = 'None'"; 13: var deleteSql = "DELETE FROM exhibits WHERE id = 10"; 14: 15: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(insertSql)) { 16: int result = ps.executeUpdate(); 17: System.out.println(result); // 1 18: } 19: 20: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(updateSql)) { 21: int result = ps.executeUpdate(); 22: System.out.println(result); // 0 23: } 24: 25: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(deleteSql)) { 26: int result = ps.executeUpdate(); 27: System.out.println(result); // 1 28: }
int executeUpdate()
- Line 15 creates the insert statement,
- and line 16 runs that statement to insert one row.
- The result is 1 because one row was affected.
- Line 20 creates the update statement,
- and line 21 checks the whole table for matching records to update.
- Since no records match, the result is 0.
- Line 25 creates the delete statement,
- and line 26 deletes the row created on line 16.
- Again, one row is affected, so the result is 1.
Reading Data with executeQuery()
30: var sql = "SELECT * FROM exhibits"; 31: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); 32: ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery() ) { 33: 34: // work with rs 35: }
ResultSet executeQuery()
- On line 31, we create a
for ourSELECT
query. - On line 32, we actually run it. Since we are running a query to get a result, the return type is
Processing Data with execute()
boolean isResultSet = ps.execute(); if (isResultSet) { try (ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet()) { System.out.println("ran a query"); } } else { int result = ps.getUpdateCount(); System.out.println("ran an update"); }
If the PreparedStatement
refers to sql that is a SELECT,
the boolean is true
and we can get the ResultSet
. If it is not a SELECT
, we can get the number
of rows updated.
What do you think happens if we use the wrong method for a SQL statement? Let’s take a look.
var sql = "SELECT * FROM names"; try (var conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:zoo"); var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { var result = ps.executeUpdate(); }
This throws a SQLException
similar to the following:Statement.executeUpdate()
cannot be called with a statement that returns a ResultSet
We can’t get a compiler error since the SQL is a String. We can get an exception, though, and we do. We also get a SQLException when using executeQuery() with SQL that changes the database.
cannot be called with a statement that returns a row count
Again, we get an exception because the driver can’t translate the query into the expected return type.
Reviewing PreparedStatement Methods
, CRUD -
, R -
Return types of execute methods
, R=true, CUD=false -
, R=The rows and columns returned, CUD=N/A -
ps.executeUpdate(), int
, R=N/A, CUD=Number of rows added/changed/removed
allows us to set parameters. Instead of specifying the three values in the SQL, we can use a question mark (?)
instead. A bind variable
is a placeholder
that lets you specify the actual values at runtime.
14: public static void register(Connection conn, int key, 15: int type, String name) throws SQLException { 16: 17: String sql = "INSERT INTO names VALUES(?, ?, ?)"; 18: 19: try (PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { 20: ps.setInt(1, key); 21: ps.setString(3, name); 22: ps.setInt(2, type); 23: ps.executeUpdate(); 24: } 25: }
> [!NOTE]
Remember that JDBC starts counting columns with 1 rather than 0. A common exam (and interview) question tests that you know this!
Let’s see what happens if you don’t set all the bind variables.
var sql = "INSERT INTO names VALUES(?, ?, ?)"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { ps.setInt(1, key); ps.setInt(2, type); // missing the set for parameter number 3 ps.executeUpdate(); }
The code compiles, and you get a SQLException. The message may vary based on your database driver.</br>
At least one parameter to the current statement is uninitialized.
What about if you try to set more values than you have as bind variables?
var sql = "INSERT INTO names VALUES(?, ?)"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { ps.setInt(1, key); ps.setInt(2, type); ps.setString(3, name); ps.executeUpdate(); }
Again, you get a SQLException, this time with a different message. On
Derby, that message was as follows:</br>
The number of values assigned is not the same as the number of specified or implied columns.
variable binding methods
void setBoolean(int parameterIndex, boolean x)
, ex db type BOOLEAN -
void setDouble(int parameterIndex, double x)
, ex db type DOUBLE -
void setInt(int parameterIndex, int x)
, ex db type INTEGER -
void setLong(int parameterIndex, long x)
, ex db type BIGINT -
void setObject(int parameterIndex, Object x)
, ex db type ANY TYPE -
void setString(int parameterIndex, String x)
, ex db type CHAR, VARCHAR
Notice the setObject()
method works with any Java type. If you pass a primitive, it will be autoboxed into a wrapper type. That means we can rewrite our example as follows:
String sql = "INSERT INTO names VALUES(?, ?, ?)"; try (PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { ps.setObject(1, key); ps.setObject(2, type); ps.setObject(3, name); ps.executeUpdate(); }
Java will handle the type conversion for you. It is still better to call the more specific setter methods since that will give you a compile‐time error if you pass the wrong type instead of a runtime error.
The following code is incorrect. Do you see why?
ps.setObject(1, key); ps.setObject(2, type); ps.setObject(3, name); ps.executeUpdate(sql); // INCORRECT
The problem is that the last line passes a SQL statement. With a PreparedStatement
, we pass the SQL in when creating the object.
More interesting is that this does not result in a compiler error.
Remember that PreparedStatement
extends Statement
. The Statement
interface does accept a SQL statement at the time of execution, so the code compiles.
Running this code gives SQLException. The text varies by database.
var sql = "INSERT INTO names VALUES(?, ?, ?)"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { ps.setInt(1, 20); ps.setInt(2, 1); ps.setString(3, "Ester"); ps.executeUpdate(); ps.setInt(1, 21); ps.setString(3, "Elias"); ps.executeUpdate(); }
Note that we set all three parameters when adding Ester, but only two for Elias. The PreparedStatement
is smart enough to remember the parameters that were already set and retain them.
You only have to set the ones that are different.
You don’t need to know the addBatch()
and executeBatch()
methods for the exam, but they are useful in practice.
public static void register(Connection conn, int firstKey, int type, String… names) throws SQLException { var sql = "INSERT INTO names VALUES(?, ?, ?)"; var nextIndex = firstKey; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { ps.setInt(2, type); for(var name: names) { ps.setInt(1, nextIndex); ps.setString(3, name); ps.addBatch(); nextIndex++; } int[] result = ps.executeBatch(); System.out.println(Arrays.toString(result)); } }
Now we call this method with two names:</br>register(conn, 100, 1, "Elias", "Ester");
The output shows the array has two elements since there are two different items in the batch. Each one added one row in the database.</br>[1, 1]
When using batching, you should call executeBatch() at a set interval, such as every 10,000 records (rather than after ten million). Waiting too long to send the batch to the database could produce operations that are so large that they freeze the client (or even worse the database!).
20: String sql = "SELECT id, name FROM exhibits"; 21: Map<Integer, String> idToNameMap = new HashMap<>(); 22: 23: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); 24: ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { 25: 26: while ( { 27: int id = rs.getInt("id"); 28: String name = rs.getString("name"); 29: idToNameMap.put(id, name); 30: } 31: System.out.println(idToNameMap); 32: }
It outputs this:{1=African Elephant, 2=Zebra}
There are a few things to notice here.
* First, we use the executeQuery()
method on line 24, since we want to have a ResultSet
* On line 26, we loop through the results. Each time through the loop represents one row
in the ResultSet
* Lines 27 and 28 show you the best way to get the columns for a given row.
- At line 24, the cursor starts out pointing to the location before the first row in the ResultSet.
- On the first loop iteration,
, and thecursor moves to point to the first row of data.
- On the second loop iteration, returns true again, and the cursor moves to point to the second row of data.
- The next call to returns false. The cursor advances past the end of the data. The false signifies that there is no more data available to get.
- We did say the “best way.” There is another way to access the columns. You can use an index instead of a column name. The column name is better because it is clearer what is going on when reading the code. It also allows you to change the SQL to reorder the columns.
> [!NOTE]
On the exam, either you will be told the names of the columns in a table or you can assume that they are correct. Similarly, you can assume that all SQL is correct.
Just like with a PreparedStatement, JDBC starts counting at 1
in a ResultSet
20: String sql = "SELECT id, name FROM exhibits"; 21: Map<Integer, String> idToNameMap = new HashMap<>(); 22: 23: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); 24: ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery()) { 25: 26: while ( { 27: int id = rs.getInt(1); 28: String name = rs.getString(2); 29: idToNameMap.put(id, name); 30: } 31: System.out.println(idToNameMap); 32: }
Sometimes you want to get only one row from the table. Maybe you need only one piece of data. Or maybe the SQL is just returning the number of rows in the table. When you want only one row, you use an if statement rather than a while loop.
var sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM exhibits"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { int count = rs.getInt(1); System.out.println(count); } }
It is important to check that returns true before trying to call a getter on the ResultSet. If a query didn’t return any rows, it would throw a SQLException, so the if statement checks that it is safe to call.
Alternatively, you can use the column name.
var sql = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exhibits"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { var count = rs.getInt("count"); System.out.println(count); } }
What is the output?
var sql = "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM exhibits"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( { var count = rs.getInt("total"); System.out.println(count); } }
This throws a SQLException with a message like this:Column 'total' not found.
Do you see what is wrong here when no rows match?
var sql = "SELECT * FROM exhibits where name='Not in table'"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) {; rs.getInt(1); // SQLException }
works. It returns false
. However, calling a getter afterward does throw a SQLException
because the result set cursor does not point to a valid position.
If there actually were a match returned, this code would have worked.
Do you see what is wrong with the following?
var sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM exhibits"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { rs.getInt(1); // SQLException }
Not calling
at all is a problem.
The result set cursor is still pointing to a location before the first row, so the getter has nothing to point to.
How about this one?
var sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM exhibits"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( rs.getInt(0); // SQLException }
Since column indexes begin with 1, there is no column 0 to point to and a SQLException
is thrown.
What is wrong with this one?
var sql = "SELECT name FROM exhibits"; try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { if ( rs.getInt("badColumn"); // SQLException }
Trying to get a column that isn’t in the ResultSet
is just as bad as an invalid column index, and it also throws a SQLException
Getting Data from a ResultSet
To sum up this section, it is important to remember the following:
* Always use an if statement
or while loop
when calling
* Column indexes begin with 1
boolean getBoolean(int columnIndex)
boolean getBoolean(String columnLabel)
double getDouble(int columnIndex)
double getDouble(String columnLabel)
int getInt(int columnIndex)
int getInt(String columnLabel)
long getLong(int columnIndex)
long getLong(String columnLabel)
Object getObject(int columnIndex)
Object getObject(String columnLabel)
String getString(int columnIndex)
String getString(String columnLabel)
The getObject()
method can return any type
. For a primitive, it uses the wrapper class. Let’s look at the following example:
16: var sql = "SELECT id, name FROM exhibits"; 17: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); 18: var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { 19: 20: while ( { 21: Object idField = rs.getObject("id"); 22: Object nameField = rs.getObject("name"); 23: if (idField instanceof Integer) { 24: int id = (Integer) idField; 25: System.out.println(id); 26: } 27: if (nameField instanceof String) { 28: String name = (String) nameField; 29: System.out.println(name); 30: } 31: } 32: }
- Lines 21 and 22 get the column as whatever type of Object is most appropriate.
- Lines 23–26 show you how to confirm that the type is Integer before casting and unboxing it into an int.
- Lines 27–30 show you how to confirm that the type is String and cast it as well. You probably won’t use
when writing code for a job, but it is good to know about it for the exam.
We’ve been creating the PreparedStatement and ResultSet in the same try‐with‐resources statement. This doesn’t work if you have bind variables because they need to be set in between. Luckily, we can nest try‐with‐resources to handle this. This code prints out the ID for any exhibits matching a given name:
30: var sql = "SELECT id FROM exhibits WHERE name = ?"; 31: 32: try (var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { 33: ps.setString(1, "Zebra"); 34: 35: try (var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { 36: while ( { 37: int id = rs.getInt("id"); 38: System.out.println(id); 39: } 40: } 41: }
- First, we create the
on line 32. - Then we set the
bind variable
on line 33. - It is only after these are both done that we have a
nested try‐with‐resources
on line 35 to create the ResultSet.
- Sometimes you want your SQL to be directly in the database instead of packaged with your Java code.
- This is particularly useful when you have
many queries and they are complex.
- A
stored procedure
is code that iscompiled in advance and stored in the database.
Stored procedures
are commonly written in a database‐specific variant of SQL, which varies among database software providers.- Using a
stored procedure
reduces network round‐trips. - It also allows database experts to own that part of the code.
- However,
stored procedures
are database‐specific and introduce complexity of maintaining your application. - On the exam, you need to know how to call a stored procedure but not decide when to use one.
> [!NOTE]
You do not need to learn anything database specific for the exam. Since studying stored procedures can be quite complicated, we recommend limiting your studying on CallableStatement to what is in this book.
12: String sql = "{call read_e_names()}"; 13: try (CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall(sql); 14: ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery()) { 15: 16: while ( { 17: System.out.println(rs.getString(3)); 18: } 19: }
- Line 12 introduces a new bit of syntax. A
stored procedure
is called by putting the wordcall
and the procedure name in braces ({}).12: String sql = "{call read_e_names()}";
- Line 13 creates a
object. When we created a PreparedStatement, we used the prepareStatement() method. Here, we use theprepareCall()
method instead.13: try (CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall(sql);
- Lines 14–18 should look familiar. They are the standard logic we have been using to get a ResultSet and loop through it. This stored procedure returns the underlying table, so the columns are the same.
25: var sql = "{call read_names_by_letter(?)}"; 26: try (var cs = conn.prepareCall(sql)) { 27: cs.setString("prefix", "Z"); 28: 29: try (var rs = cs.executeQuery()) { 30: while ( { 31: System.out.println(rs.getString(3)); 32: } 33: } 34: }
- On line 25, we have to pass a ? to show we have a parameter. This should be familiar from bind variables with a PreparedStatement.
25: var sql = "{call read_names_by_letter(?)}";
- On line 27, we set the value of that parameter. Unlike with PreparedStatement, we can use either the parameter number (starting with 1) or the parameter name. That means these two statements are equivalent:
cs.setString(1, "Z"); cs.setString("prefix", "Z");
40: var sql = "{?= call magic_number(?) }"; 41: try (var cs = conn.prepareCall(sql)) { 42: cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); 43: cs.execute(); 44: System.out.println(cs.getInt("num")); 45: }
- On line 40, we included two special characters ( ?=) to specify that the stored procedure has an output value. This is optional since we have the OUT parameter, but it does aid in readability.
40: var sql = "{?= call magic_number(?) }";
- On line 42, we register the OUT parameter. This is important. It allows JDBC to retrieve the value on line 44. Remember to always call
for each OUT or INOUT parameter (which we will cover next). - On line 43, we call
instead of executeQuery() since we are not returning a ResultSet from our stored procedure.
Some databases are lenient about certain things this chapter says are required. For example, some databases allow you to omit the following:
- Braces ({})
- Bind variable (?) if it is an OUT parameter
- Call to registerOutParameter()
For the exam, you need to answer according to the full requirements, which are described in this book. For example, you should answer exam questions as if braces are required.
50: var sql = "{call double_number(?)}"; 51: try (var cs = conn.prepareCall(sql)) { 52: cs.setInt(1, 8); 53: cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); 54: cs.execute(); 55: System.out.println(cs.getInt("num")); 56: }
- For an IN parameter, line 50 is required since it passes the parameter.
- Similarly, line 52 is required since it sets the parameter. For an OUT parameter, line 53 is required to register the parameter.
- Line 54 uses
again because we are not returning a ResultSet. - Remember that an INOUT parameter acts as both an IN parameter and an OUT parameter, so it has all the requirements of both.
Stored procedure parameter types
* IN, Used for input, Must set parameter value
* OUT, Used for output, Must call registerOutParameter(), Can include ?=
* INOUT, Used for input, Used for output, Must set parameter value, Must call registerOutParameter(), Can include ?=
Closing Database Resources
The resources need to be closed in a specific order.
1. The ResultSet is closed first,
2. followed by the PreparedStatement (or CallableStatement)
3. and then the Connection.
While it is a good habit to close all three resources, it isn’t strictly necessary. Closing a JDBC resource should close any resources that it created. In particular, the following are true:
* Closing a Connection also closes PreparedStatement (or CallableStatement) and ResultSet.
* Closing a PreparedStatement (or CallableStatement) also closes the ResultSet.
It is important to close resources in the right order. This avoids both resource leaks and exceptions.
40: public void bad() throws SQLException { 41: var url = "jdbc:derby:zoo"; 42: var sql = "SELECT not_a_column FROM names"; 43: var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); 44: var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); 45: var rs = ps.executeQuery(); 46: 47: try (conn; ps; rs) { 48: while ( 49: System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); 50: } 51: }
- Suppose an
is thrown on line 45. - The try‐with‐resources block is never entered, so we don’t benefit from automatic resource closing.
- That means this code has a resource leak if it fails.
- Do not write code like this.
How many resources are closed in this code?
14: var url = "jdbc:derby:zoo"; 15: var sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM names where id = ?"; 16: try (var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); 17: var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) { 18: 19: ps.setInt(1, 1); 20: 21: var rs1 = ps.executeQuery(); 22: while ( { 23: System.out.println("Count: " + rs1.getInt(1)); 24: } 25: 26: ps.setInt(1, 2); 27: 28: var rs2 = ps.executeQuery(); 29: while ( { 30: System.out.println("Count: " + rs2.getInt(1)); 31: } 32: rs2.close(); 33: }
- The correct answer is four.
- On line 28,
is closed because the samePreparedStatement
runs another query. - On line 32,
is closed in the method call. - Then the try‐with‐resources statement runs and closes the PreparedSatement and Connection objects.
In most of this chapter, we’ve lived in a perfect world. Sure, we mentioned that a checked SQLException might be thrown by any JDBC method—but we never actually caught it. We just declared it and let the caller deal with it. Now let’s catch the exception.
var sql = "SELECT not_a_column FROM names"; var url = "jdbc:derby:zoo"; try (var conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); var ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql); var rs = ps.executeQuery()) { while ( System.out.println(rs.getString(1)); } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println(e.getSQLState()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); }
The output looks like this:
Column ‘NOT_A_COLUMN’ is either not in any table …
Each of these methods gives you a different piece of information. The getMessage() method returns a human‐readable message as to what went wrong. We’ve only included the beginning of it here. The getSQLState() method returns a code as to what went wrong. You can Google the name of your database and the SQL state to get more information about the error.
By comparison, getErrorCode() is a database‐specific code. On this database, it doesn’t do anything.