Chapter 21: Energy Flow and Food Webs Flashcards
The Artic is…
one of the msot remote and pristine areas on Earth
How much more PCB concentration were in breast milk from Inuit women than Quebec women?
7 times higher
type of industrial chemicals called persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Can POPs remain in the envrionment for a long time?
What form are POPs produced in at low latitudes?
they are produced in gaseous form and enter the atmosphere
Atmospheric circulation patterns
they carry them to the Artic, where they condense to liquid and fall from the atmosphere
What has been banned in North America but some developing countries still use them?
Manufacture and use of POPS
What is the correlation between POPs and diet?
-Inuit communities that ate mostly marine mammals had the highest levels of POPs
-Communities that ate herbiovorous caribou had lower levels
-Inuit community diets were centered around different trophic levels
Trophic Levels
describe the feeding positions of groups of organisms in ecosystems
The ecological roles of organisims are determined by…
their trophic interactions (what they eat and what eats them)
What is trophic level based on?
the number of feeding steps by which it is seperated from autotrophs
What does the 1st trophic level consists of…?
autotrophs or primary producers
generate chemical energy from sunlight or inorganic chemical compounds
What trophic level generates most of the dead orgnaic matter in an ecosystem?
2nd Trophic Level
Herbivores that consume autotrophs; also includes detritivores that consume dead organic matter
3rd and higher trophic levels
Carnivores that consume animals from the level below
feed at multiple trophic levels
Omnivores Example
coyotes are opportunistic feeders, consuming vegetation, mice, other carnivores, and ond leather boots
all arganisims are either consumed by other organisims or enter the pool of dead organic matter
What portion of biomass is consumed in terrestrial ecosystems?
small portion
Where does most of the energy flow pass through in the trophic levels?
What do detritivores consume?
dead organisims and feces
What are detritivores?
primarily bacteria, archaea, and fungi
What tropic level is detritus considered to be part of?
1st trophic level
What trohic level are detritivores part of?
2nd level
Where is much of the detritus in streams, lakes, and estuaries derived from?
terrestrial organic matter
Allochthonous Inputs
external energy inputs from detritus
Autochthonous Energy
energy produced by autotrophs
Where are allochthounous inputs most important?
stream ecosystems
River Continuum Concept
states that the importance of autochthonous energy inputs increases from the headwaters toward the lower reaches of a river
What increases and decreases as you go downstream?
-water velocity decreases
-nutrient concentrations increase
How is the amount of energy transferred from one trophic level to the next?
depends on the food quality and consumer abundunce and physiology
Second Law of Thermodynamics
states that during any transfer of energy, some is dispersed and becomes unusable
Available energy _____ with each trophic level
What portrays the relatice amounts of energy or biomass in each trophic level?
trophic pyramid
Is all of the biomass at each trophic level consumed?
no. Some of the energy is dispersed in the transfer to the next level
Why are energy and biomass pyramids similar in terrestrial ecosystems?
biomass is closely associated with energy production
What does the biomass pyramid look like in aquatic ecosystems?
What are the primary producers?
What is the life span of phytoplankton?
short life spans and high turnover
Where are inverted biomass pyramids most common?
productivity is lowest, such as nutrient-poor regions of the open ocean
Factors that determine how much energy flows from one trophic level to the next:
-Amount of NPP at basse of food web
-Proportion of each trophic level consumed by the one above it
-Nutritional content of autotrophs, detritus, and prey
-Efficiency of energy transfers
Do land herbivores or aquatic herbivores consume a lower proportion of autotrophs?
land herbivores consume a much lower proportion of biomass
How much terrestrial NPP is consumed on average?
about 13%
How much NPP is consumed in aquatic ecosystems?
35% on average
What kind of relationship does NPP and amount of biomass consumed by herbivores have?
positive relationship
What may be limited by the amount of food available?
Herbivore production
Hypotheses for why terrestrial herbivores consume less of the available biomass?
-Herbivores are constrained by predators and never reach carrying capacity
-Autotrophs have defenses against herbivory, such as secondary compounds, spines, etc.
-Phytoplankton are more nutritious for herbivores than terrestrial plants
What hypothesis is suppourted by predator removal experiments?
Herbivores are constrained by predators and never reaching carrying capacity
What is the main difference in resource-poor environment plants and resource-rich environment plants?
resource poor plants have stronger defenses
What do unicellular algae generally lack?
chemical and structural defenses
Why are terrestrial plants not as nutritious as phytoplankton?
terrestrial plants have structural components, such as wood, which have few nutrients