Chapter 21--3rd, 3rd iō, & 4th Conjugation Present Passive System Flashcards
casa, casae
1st Fem;
house, cottage, hut
causa, causae
1st Fem;
cause, reason;
case, situation;
Ablative w/ Gen;
for the sake of, on account of;
fenestra, fenestrae
1st Fem;
fīnis, fīnis
3rd masc Singular;
end, limit, boundary;
fīnēs, fīnium
3rd Masc Plural;
boundaries, territory
gens, gentis;
3rd I-stem Fem;
clan, race, nation, people
mundus, mundī
2nd Masc;
World, Universe
nāvis, nāvis
3rd I-stem Fem;
ship, boat
salūs, salūtis
3rd Fem;
Health, safety;
Trōia, Trōiae
1st Fem;
vīcīnus, vīcīnī
2nd Masc;
vīcīna, vīcīnae
2nd Fem;
vulgus, vulgī;
2nd Nuet;
The common People, mob, rabble
asper, aspera, asperum
1st/2nd Adjective;
rough, harsh
atque or ac
and also, and even, and in fact
again, a second time
contineō, continēre, continuī, contentum
2nd Conjugation;
to hold together, contain, keep, enclose, restrain
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussum
2nd Conjugation;
to bid, order, command;
labōrō, labōrāre, labōrāvī, labōrātum
1st Conjugation;
to labor;
to be in distress;
rapiō, rapere, rapuī, raptum
3rd -iō Conjugation;
to seize, snatch, carry away
relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictum
3rd Conjugation;
to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
scio, scīre, scīvī, scītum
4th Conjugation;
to know
tangō, tangere, tetigī, tāctum
3rd Conjugation;
to touch