Chapter 21 Flashcards
Most popular name of progressive party
Bull moose
Woman against lynching
Ida wells
What does the word laze fair mean
Leave it to the people
There was a thing called the gentleman agreement what was the two countries evolved
Japan and America
What was the name if the Italian nun who worked with the poor
Mother Cabrini
Teddy what place did he stop trust owned by railroad barons
Northern security system
Civil rights leader wanted change now
Willard nation
Two women who are prominent in the fight for prohibition
What organization spread the rumor that chat olives wanted to take over the country
American protective association
What dispute settled three sides agree
Two acts fighting against trusts
Federal commission
Every pres. Has name for political program Abe name was…
Square deal
Three groups targeted by the kkk
Jew chaltholics and blacks
First state to give women right to vote in state election
Two most outstanding in the national suffrage
Stanton and Anthony
What is the term which referres to a Mexican neighborhood
Leader of women’s party
Alice Paul
What famous Supreme Court case said segregation was legal
Palest vs ferguson
Coal strike 1902
United mine workers
1908 this man ran against Bryan
Who was the president when congress passed to federal reserve act
What influencel wanted African American
Founding member of the founding society of native Americans
Pres who protected natural resources es
Who was yah man tam instead hall New York City
Boss tweed
People who stopped the strike
Coal strike of 1902
National security
1902 mine workers went on strike what hour working day
Kick back
Who wrote shame of the cities
8 hour
Lincoln Stephens
Who wrote the book that lead to the meat inspection act
Uptown Sinclair
The term recall was first used in what states election changes
What is it called when people want to put something on ballet
Leader of the American socialist party
Who started the nation assosiation of colored women
Who was the head of the women’s Christian temper ant movement
What amendment to the constitution is known as the prohibition movement
What president was opposed to the laze fair attitude
What law gave our government more control lover banks
Federal reserve act
What name was given to the secret meeting places
What city did the kkk fist get start
Pulaski Tennessee
Another hate group
Skin heads
Gentleman found the southern poverty law center
Morris dees
Chany, goodman, swarner what movement
Freedom riders
What movie contributed to the kkk
Birth of the nation
What are the titles of top two kkk members
Grand dragon imperial wizard
What Supreme Court ended segregation
Brown v board of education
Kkk what other name
Invisible empire