Chapter 21 Flashcards
What was Nixon’s top priority when he entered office?
Reconciliation of the Nation, Foreign Affairs,
How was the situation that occured in Angola similar to the one that occured in South Vietnam?
Congress refused to provide additional aid, and a Communist government took over.
What reason did many in the Senate give for their strong opposition to SALT ll?
It put the United States at a military disadvantage.
(+ or o) Economic problems destroyed the Soviets’ ability to continue the Cold war standoff
President Nixon architect of foreign policy was his adviser for national security affairs,
Henrh Kissinger
A policy aimed at easing Cold War tensions was known as:
Which of the following Presidents visited Communist China in 1971
Richard Nixon
Which U.S. president resigned amid political scandal?
Richard Nixon
The last leader of the Soveit Union was:
Mikhail Gorbachev
(+ or o) The Berlin wall came down in 1989
What Eastern European country became embroiled in a civil was between Muslims, Orthodox Serbs, and Roman Catholic Croats
EC: For how many years did the Soviet Union exist?
69 years
The communist leader of North Korea during the Korean war was?
Kim ll Sung
( + or o) The Korean war started on June 25, 1953
The plan General Mcarthur formed to save his army during the Korean War involved a suprise amphibious landing at:
Inchon, on Koreas west coast
In 1952 a republican was elected president; he was:
Dwight D. Eisenhower
What led many Chinese people to prefer Mao Zedong’s government over Chiang Kai-shek’s?
Mao treated the people better
( + or o) General MacArthue wanted to use nuclear weapons to attack China during the Korean War
How were Germany and Korea similar to each other after World War ll?
They both were part democratic and part communist
Chiang Kai-Shek was forced to flee the Chinese mainland and to relocate his government in:
What happend in 1950 that turned the Korean war in a different direction?
The Chinese entered the war.
( + or o) The United States declared war on North Korea on June 25, 1950.
What did Kennedy believe was his most urgent task?
to redfine the nation’s nuclear strategy
What caused relations between Cuba and the U.S to worsen after Fidel Castro took power?
Castro seized American oil refineries.
What ended the Berlin crisis?
the construction of the Berlin Wall
What was the result of the space race?
Universities expaned their science programs.
The first American astronaut to travel in space was:
Neil Armstrong
(+ or o) The Soviet union beat the United states in getting a man into space.
In the 1940s Vietnam was a colony of:
Nikita Khrushchev was the:
Soviet Union’s Premiere
The CIA developed a plan for the invasion of Cuba which landed in:
the Bay of Pigs
(+ or o) Many nations around the world, including India and Pakistan have developed their own nuclear weapons.
EC: Identify Yuri A. Gargarin.
the first human is space
EC: In what year did the first man walk on the face of the moon?
What caused tension within the United Nations when it was initally formed?
The Soviet Union blocked any issue any issue it didn’t agree with.
Which of the following was created as a result of the National Security Act?
What was the main danger for a country in financial ruin after World War ll?
having a greater chance for political instabilty
What is Nato?
A defensive military alliance of western nations.
( + or o) The Berlin Airlift was a relief measure to deliver supplies needed as a result of the severe famine caused by harsh winter conditons in 1946-47
The “Iron Curtain” referred to the:
The divison of Europe between Western democracies and the Soviet Union
EC: Who was the president of the U.S. immediately after WWll ?
Harry S. Truman