Chapter 21 Flashcards
Which of the following is the step in the infection cycle when an infectious agent leaves the reservoir host?
Portal of exit
Which of the following are examples of a reservoir in the infection cycle?
Equipment and water
What type of precautions are used with all patients and include; hand washing, gloves, and mask?
standard precautions
Which medical asepsis process uses various chemicals that can destroy many pathogenic microorganisms?
Which of the following is NOT considered standard personal protective equipment?
shoe cover
Which of the following stages of infectious disease shows improvement levels of health?
When handwashing with antimicrobial soap and water is not available, which method can be used?
Alcohol-based hand rub
Which of the following types of immunity is achieved following the administration of vaccines?
Artificial active immunity
Which of the following stages of infectious disease includes general complaints such as malaise and fever?
Practices such as hand washing, general cleaning, and disinfectant are all part of which of the following?
Medical asepsis
Which of the following types of immunity is achieved through administration of ready-made antibodies?
Artificially acquired passive
Who is credited with the first vaccine to protect against smallpox?
Who has the highest risk of developing a nosocomial infection?
Hospitalized patients
Which of the following best describes a portal of exit?
Excretions and secretions
Which of the following best describes how to inhibit bacterial growth?
Keep surfaces dry and clean
Which of the following is considered an antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
eating or drinking
direct contact :
blood-borne :
infected blood
Which of the following best describes a susceptible host?
Immunosuppressants and the elderly
Which of the following best defines pathogen?
Causes infectious disease
Which of the following best describes the order of occurrence of the infection cycle?
- Susceptible host
- Portal of exit
- Infectious agent
- Reservoir host
- Means of transmission
- Portal of entry
Infectious agent,Reservoir host,Portal of exit,Means of transmission,portal of entry Susceptible host
What do we add on to standard precautions when a contagious disease is suspected ________.
transmission based precautions
identified by characteristic shapes :
requires a living cell for reproduction :
examples are protozoa and metazoa :
causes athlete’s foot and ringworm :
intracellular parasites larger than viruses :
Which of the following applies to the set of infection control guidelines that should be used by all health care
Standard precautions