Chapter 20 Company Meetings and Resolutions Flashcards
What is a meeting?
An assembly of people for a particular purpose, especially for formal discussion
When do decision of a general meeting become valid?
If the meeting is properly convened by notice and if the business of the meeting is fairly and properly conducted
When members’ approval is required in general meeting?
If the directors wish to:
1)Exceed their delegated power
2)Allot shares
3)Make a substantial contract of sale or purchase with a director
4)Grant a director a long service agreement
How many kinds of general meeting are there in a company?
2 kinds
1)Annual General Meeting(AGM)
2)General meetings at other times
When do shorter notice for AGM is valid?
If 90% members agree
What is the business of an annual general meeting?
It usually includes:
1)Considering the accounts
2)Receiving directors’ report, directors’ remuneration report, auditors’ report
4)Electing directors
5)Appointing auditors
When do a court orders for general meeting?
On the application of a director or a member entitled to vote, may order that a meeting shall be held and may give instructions for that purpose, including fixing a quorum of one
What is a written resolution?
It is for private companies and can be used for all general meetings except for removing a director or auditor before their term of office expires
What are the differences between ordinary and special resolution?
Apart from the required size of majority and period of notice, the main differences are
1)The text of special resolution must be set out in full in the notice convening the meeting, and it must be described as a special resolution
2)A signed copy of every special resolution must be delivered to the registrar for filing
When a special resolution is required?
It is required for major changes in the company such as
1)A change of name
2)Restrictions of the objects or other alterations of the articles
3)Reduction of share capital
4)Winding up the company
Is it necessary for written resolution to be accompanied by a statement?
Yes it should be accompanied by a statement informing:
1)How to signify their agreement to the resolution
2)The date the resolution must be passed by
When do members can propose a written resolution?
Members holding 5% of the voting rights may request a written resolution, providing it:
1)would be effective
2)Is not defamatory, vexatious or frivolous
Within how many days of the request for resolution, copies of resolution and statements must be sent to each member?
Within 21 days
Who bear the expenses for circulating a written resolution?
The members who request it
What is the default period of agreement to a resolution?
28 days from the date the resolution was circulated, after which the agreement is ineffective
What are the consequences if the auditors are not sent a copy of written resolution?
The resolution remains valid;however the directors and secretary will be liable to a fine
When do special notice of a resolution must be given to the company?
It must be given for any of the following reasons:
1)to remove or appoint an auditor other than the auditor who was appointed at the previous year’s meeting
2)to remove a director or to appoint a substitute in their place after removal
When do decision of a meeting become binding?
A meeting can only reach binding decisions if:
1)It has been properly convened by notice
2)A quorum is present
3)A chairman presides
4)The business is properly transacted and resolutions are put to the vote
In the absence of chairman who can preside the meeting ?
Directors chosen by other directors or as a last resort members chosen by the members present
What are the duties of a chairman?
To maintain order during meeting and to deal with the agenda in a methodical way so that the business of the meeting may be properly transacted
What is a quorum?
Minimum number of persons required to be present in a particular type of (company)meeting
What is the role of a proxy?
A person appointed by a shareholder to vote on behalf of that shareholder at company meetings
How many votes a member have under the show of hands method of voting?
Each member has one vote irrespective of the number of shares held
How many vote a member can use under poll method of voting?
A member can use as many votes as their shareholding grant them
How and when do members can demand voting on a poll?
It may be demanded by:
1)Not less than 5 members
2)Member(s) representing not less than one-tenth of the total voting rights
3)Member(s)holding shares which represent not less than one-tenth of the paid up capital
How the results of a vote are determined?
The number of votes cast determine the results
For quoted companies what are the information regarding vote which should be made available and remain on the website for at least 2 years?
1)Meeting date
2)Text of the resolution or description of the poll’s subject matter
3)Number of votes for and against the resolution
For how many years a company has to keep minutes of the meeting?
Fo10 years
What are the admissible evidence of the meeting?
The signed minutes are the admissible evidence of the proscedings
How a unanimous decision of members is treated against formal decision in general meeting?
A unanimous decision of members is often treated as a substitute for a formal decision in general meeting properly convened and held, and is equally binding
When do class meetings held?
Class meeetings held where the interest of different groups of shareholders may be affected in different ways
What is the requirement which must be satisfied when the quorum of the meeting is one person?
The person must still hold at least one third of the shares