Chapter 20 Flashcards
Cornū, cornūs, n
Frūctus, frūctūs, m
Fruit, profit, benefit
Genū, genūs, n
Manus, manūs, f
Hand, handwriting, band
Metus, metūs, m
Fear, dread, anxiety
Mōns, montis, m
Senātus, senātūs, m
Sēnsus, sēnsūs, m
Feeling, sense
Servitūs, servitūtis, f
Servitude, slavery
Spīritus, spīritūs, m
Breath, breathing, spirit, soul
Versus, versūs, m
Line of verse
Commūnis, commūne,
Common, general
Dexter, dextra, dextrum
Right, right hand
Sinister, sinistra, sinistrum
Left, left handed, harmful, ill omened
Careō, carēre, caruī, caritūrum
To be without, deprived of, want, lack, be free from
Dēfendō, dēfendere, dēfendī, dēfensum
To defend, protect
Discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum
To go away, depart
Ōdī, ōdisse, ōsum
To hate
Prohibeō, prohibēre, prohibuī, prohibitum
To prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit
Prōnūntiō, prōnūntiāre, prōnūntiāvī, prōnūntiātum
To proclaim, announce, pronounce
Coniūrātī, coniūrātōrum, n. pl.