Chapter 20-24 Flashcards
When did Russians become Christians?
When did Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland become Christian?
When did the Church split?
July of 1054
Name reasons why the Church split.
- Constantiople became the capital of old roman empire
- Split over celibacy
- Intellectual outlook was different
- Theological differences arose between two branches of christianity
laid the foundation for absolute papal power.
Gregory VII
Built up that foundation. Same person as Hidlebrand, he just took this name as pope.
Innocent III
Zenith of papal power. Peek of this power
Boniface VIII
beginning of the decline of papal power
Henry IV
- Rejected papal authority in january 1076
- Pope Gregory excommunicated henry and all his subjects
- Henry went to the alps to beg to be welcomed back into the church
Philip of France
- Married Ingord of Denmark, then divorced her and remarried.
- Innocent III refused to give Philip an annulment from -Ingord and said Philip had to leave his second wife and take his first wife back.
- Philip reduced, Innocent III shut down churches, forbad celebration of mass, banned burial in church grounds, priests could not preach inside churches. This resulted in an uproar with the people and philip had to listen to Innocent
4 reasons for the Crusades
- Religious
- Economic
- Love of Military
- Brutality of the Turks
How many crusades were there?
How many achieved a military goal?
When did Universities first appear?
How many were there by 1400?
Over 75
What are the oldest universities respectively?
Paris, Oxford, and then Cambridge
- Substitute inner authority of the Bible.
- Minimizing doctrine.
John Wycliffe
- Disgusted by the RCC, lived in the 1300s.
- Wanted to reform the church
- God gives use of property but not ownership, for his use and glory.
- John of Gaunt was his protector.
- Opposed the Dogma of the RCC. The teaching.
- Made the bible available in English: NT being completed in 1382.
- Forced into retirement in 1382.
John Hus (1373 – 1415)
- Studied at the University of Prague
- Pastor of Bethlehem Chapel from 1402 – 1414
- Read and adopted ideas of Wycliffe
- Ordered to go under safe conduct to the Council of Constance.
Savonarola (1452 – 1498)
- Became a Dominican monk, 1474
- Wanted reform from within the church.
- Put to death in Florence, Italy.