Chapter 20 Flashcards
The Red (Zinoviev) Letter
Secret instructions for the British Labour groups from communist international-communist uprising in UK. Exploited and lost election of 1924
To give in small amounts; small portion.
British National Government
Composed of Labour, Conservatives and Liberal ministers. Formed by McDonald.
Sinn Fein Party
Irish group-uprising against UK. Nationalist party that sought Home Rule and Independence.
Black and Tans
Special police force-terrorized Irish. Kept in Ireland by the British gov.
Statue of Westminster
1931 act-recognized the dominion of Status areas as independent. 4 nations joined as equal partners called Brit Commonwealth of Nations.
Action Francaise
Extreme right in France. Anti-repub. Acted outside of Chamber of Deputies-militant and noisy pressure group.
Popular Front
Combo of Socialist and Communist political parties in France. Won 1936, unable to take social reform-because of strength of conservatives. Fell 1938-passed reforms that became permanent.
Form of gov. which ruler is absolute dictator.
Extreme Italian Fascist known for black shirts & brutality towards anti-fascism. Mussolini personal army
Corporative state
Italian system that broke Eco life into 22 areas. 3 different reps/ea.-determined work conditions, wages and industry policies.
Lateran Accord
1929; between Mussolini and the pope, granted Vatican City sovereignty and gave Mussolini Catholic support.
Radical political movement that advocates bringing industry & gov. under control of labor union.
Left-wing: labor in charge,
Right-wing: gov. in charge
Nazi thugs- violently silenced Hitler’s haters. (Storm troopers) secret police force, mimicked blackshirts, morphed into SS
Mein Kampf
“My Struggle” Hitler’s book. Talked about nationalism, anti-Semitism, and racism while exiled.