Chapter 20 Flashcards
What does postpartum mean?
Is the period interval between birth and return of the reproductive organs to their non pregnant state
Post partum is also referred to what other two terms?
Fourth trimester of pregnancy
What does involution mean?
The return of uterus to non pregnant state
Right after delivery ( baby and placenta ) the fundus is palpated at what?
Uterus -2
How do measure this?
Starting from the umbilicus
Two fingers below
( where you’d feel the uterus right after delivery )
After you feel the initial state of the uterus which is U -2, which means literally 2 finger breasts below the umbilical , the uterus should ___?
Rise to U or U+1
What are some common deviations of uterus measurement right after delivery that can alter the results?
A full bladder
Why do we encourage emptying of the bladder in order to properly measure?
Because bladder will cause distention and misplace the proper uterus height
What is the patho behind emptying the bladder in order for the uterus to rise?
We want the body to clamp down on itself to stop bleeding
And if our bladder is full, the uterus is competing for space and won’t properly clamps down
So it can cause post partum hemorrhage
After 24 hours PP( post partum ) the uterus shrinks to a size of what?
20 weeks gestation
After 24hours and goes to about the size of 20th week gestation, the uterus rapidly decrease at what cm
And until what day halfway U and pubis?
6th day
At what weeks or days should post partum, should you no longer be able to palpate the uterus?
2 weeks (14 days )
What is subinvoluion?
Uterus failed to contract down, get down and shrink
What is the number 1 cause of postpartum hemorrhage is?
Uterine atony
If mom uterus is not getting firm and hard as a rock, what will happen?
It will cause her to bleed
Which prompts us to check it out
What are 3 things we should look out for during subinvolutiom?
Retained part
( piece of placenta is still left )
Vaginal/cervical lacteration
( tearing )
Full bladder
( no space to clamp down )
In the recovery period you are massaging mom uterus every ___mins in order to make sure it’s firm
How will we chart this measuring or feeling of the uterus after 15mins? (3)
Firm with massage
What are the 3 lochias after delivery ?
Lochia rubra
Lochira serosa
Lochia alba
How long is lochia rubra?
How should it smell like?
What color is it?
Flows like what?
Birth 3-4 days PP
Fleshy menstrual period
Dark red blood
Heavy menstrual period
How long is lochia serosa?
How is the flow?
What color is this?
4-12 days
Moderate to small
Pinkish brownish discharge
How long is lochia alba?
What is the flow?
What color is this?
12-3 weeks
Gradually disappearing
Scant creamy whitish discharge
( yellowish white discharge )
It’s important to tell mom that if she noticed a change in discharge
So let’s say she was at serosa and slowly moving over to alba
But then all of a sudden it goes back to rubra
What do we usually tell her why this is the case?
She’s been moving too much
On her feet too much!
Lay down & feet up
During vaginal bleeding right after birth
What are we as nurses going to do and tell our patient? (3)
Massage the uterus
Encourage to empty bladder
Encourage breastfeeding
Why do we encourage Breastfeeding to mom if she is bleeding?
Because the body will release oxytocin
And that signals the uterus to contract and clamp down, so no more bleeding
If the uterus is firm what do we suspect may be the cause of why mom is still bleeding ? (2)
Vaginal lacteration
Remember how the video
It talked about how much blood mom should be losing
A saturated pad, meaning the entire pad is covered in heavy amounts of blood within ____mins pooling!!
Means what?
( always ask mom to lift up )
Cardiovascular changes
Mother Nature has a way of protecting us by inducing a lot of fluids to help us deliver,
What is this called and how much percentage?
Pregnancy induced hypervolemia
Why do we have pregnancy induced hypervolemia?
Because when we give birth we are gonna lose a lot of fluids and blood
Vaginal birth
How much percentage and ml wise do we lose in fluid and blood?