Chapter 20 Flashcards
Splitting heavy nucleus into 2+ lighter nuclei
Very light nuclei are combined into a heavier one
Nuclear Binding Energy
Energy needed to break a nucleus into the p+ and n^0 that make it up
Fission and Fusion both result in the conversion of ___ to ___
Mass; energy
Nuclear reaction
Change of a nucleus
Term for p+ and n^0 in a nucleus
Parent nuclide
Unstable nuclide of a nuclear reaction
Daughter nuclide
Produced by the radioactive decay of another nuclide
Electron capture
Electron is taken from the s orbital to the nucleus to combine w/ a p+ to create a neutron
Beta particle
High energy e-
Alpha particle
High energy He nucleus
Beta decay
Neutron breaks into a p+ and a beta particle (e-) is emitted
Alpha decay
Loss of an alpha particle
Binding energy per nucleon
Total binding energy for nucleus/ # of nucleons in nucleus
Gamma ray
Short wavelength, high energy, electromagnetic radiation