Chapter 2 - War Peace And Conflict Flashcards
A physical force aimed to hurt someone
Repeated physical violence and mental tormenting resulting in a bad state of mind
The act to forgive a person after hurtful or violent behaviour
Bringing about what is right and fair, according to the law, or making up for a wrong that has been committed
Just War Theory
A set of criteria/conditions that a war needs to meet before it is justified
Last Resort
A final port of call after all else fails
Just cause
A valid reason on why a certain act may take place
Legitimate Authority
A king, Queen or Government that is accepted
To act on a prejudice to great someone differently because of your prejudice and in the case of Gender discrimination- acting upon a prejudice because of their gender
Reasonable chance of success
When going to war, both sides must have a a chance of winning, meaning they cannot go to war with a major disadvantage
Restricting figured of authority to have a limited amount of power. Made through EU laws
Holy war
A war that is over religion, over a religious site or over the country’s religion
A journey to conquer the holy places
A belief not to bear arms to act violent in any way
Conscientious objectors
A higher belief of pacifism, not to fight anytime
- Weapons of mass destruction - weapons that can kill a large amount of people and cause great damage
When you die for your faith
Nuclear weapon
War that uses nuclear weapons, weapons that work by creating a nuclear reaction in order to devastate huge area and kill large numbers - fission bomb
Chemical weapons
Weapons yhat use chemicals to harm humans and the natural environment
Biological weapons
Weapons that use organisms to cause diseases or death
The act f forgiveness
To forgive someone for what they have done
To create a acting force towards someone physically in order to make them suffer
Physically and mentally being un-nice towards someone
Peace making
To forgive a grudge with someone and therefore settle the difference
Conflict resolution
A better outcome than war which means the people will not damage the sake of the people
Right intentions
To go to war, there must be the right intentions in order to make it right
Behaviour of Troops
A respectable, and good attitude when on service for the country
Extreme religious, political views that result in physical violence
Making people sign up to do terrorist acts, brainwashing
Dying for your faith or beliefs
Using physical or mental violence in order to get information out of them
Righteous anger
Anger only when you have a good reason to do so
Non violent resistance
Resisting a protester, without harming them
A pacifist in religion, a group of peaceful Christians
Catechism quotes for Torture
Torture that uses physical or moral violence … is contrary to the person and for human dignity’s
Bible teaching FOR war
John 15:13 ‘ Greater love has no man to lay down his life for his friend’
Bible quotes AGAINST war
‘Blessed are the peacemakers’
Matthew 5:9
Bible reference to TERRORISM
Jewish Maccabees
Attitude towards terrorisms
Catholics oppose any forms of terror, believe terrorist are isolated individuals
The catholic church valued martyrs and Jesus said ‘ If any of you want to become my follower, take up your cross and follow me’ MATTHEW’S GOSPEL