Chapter 2 Vocab list Flashcards
collection of vertices & edges.
the dots in a graph (usually where 2 or
more edges meet, but not necessarily).
a line between two vertices.
a graph with no cycles.
Order (degree) of a vertex
the number of edges starting
or finishing at that vertex.
Simple graph
a graph with no loops or multiple edges.
A path
a route from one vertex to another which does not repeat any edge.
A cycle
a route starting and finishing at the same vertex.
Connected graph
a graph in which there is a route from
each vertex to any other vertex (i.e. the graph is in one part)
Complete graph
a simple graph in which every pair of
vertices is connected by an edge.
Bipartite graph
one in which the vertices are in two sets
and each edge has a vertex from each set.
Planar graph
one which can be drawn with no edges
Sub graph
any set of edges & vertices taken from a
graph is a sub-graph.
a graph in which the edges indicate direction.
Incidence matrix
a matrix representing the edges in a
Isomorphic graphs
shows same information but drawn differently
Adjacency matrix
records number of direct links between verticies
Distance matrix
records the weight on the edges.