Chapter 2: Transport of Gametes and Fertillization Flashcards
at what stage in meiosis do the first and second meotic blocks occur?
first block: prophase I
second block: metaphase II
the apex of the protrusion that is formed when the follicle bulges from the surface of the ovary
stimulus for ovulation
LH surge from anterior pituitary that occurs at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle
results of LH surge
follicle reorganizes program of gene expression from one directed toward development of follicle to one producing molecules that set into motion the processes of follicular rupture and ovulation
local blood flow increases resulting in local edema; plasma proteins leak into tissues
cumulus cells secrete hyaluronic acid that loosens cells surrounding egg
matrix metalloproteinases
a family of lytic enzymes that degrade components of extracellular matrix; local production occurs as result of release of certain pharmacologically active substances produces an inflammatory reaction that ultimately results in rupture of outer follicular wall about 28 to 36 hours after LH surge
result of follicular rupture
cumulus oophorus detaches from granulosa and egg released from ovary expulsion of both antral fluid and ovum from ovary;
what is expelled from ovary at ovulation?
zona pellucida
two-three-cell thick corona radiate
sticky matrix containing surrounding cells of cumulus oophorus
corona radiata
adhering cumulus cells after ovulation has occurred
pain some women feel at the time of ovulation possibly due to slight bleeding from ruptured follicle
changes in uterine tubes prior to ovulation
more high ciliated and smooth muscle activity in the tube and its suspensory ligament increases as the result of hormonal influences
capture of the egg by uterine tube
fimbriae move closer to ovary, sweep rhythmically over its surface; adhesive interactions between egg complex and ciliary surface of the tube
transport of egg in uterine tube
egg is transported toward the uterus mainly as result of contractions of smooth musculature of the tubal wall
takes 3 to 4 days whether or not fertilization occurs
immotile cilia syndrome
women whose tubal cilia do not function; many of these women are still fertile, so cilia action not obligatory to move egg
tubal fluid
combination of secretions by the tubal epithelial cells and transudate from capillaries just below the epithelium
egg is in this during tubal transport
slow transport and fast transport of egg
slow transport occurs in ampulla and more rapid transport through isthmus and into uterus
egg is temporarily prevented from entering isthmic portion of tube, under influence of progesterone the egg is allowed to pass
sperm transport in male reproductive tract
transport closely connected with structural and functional maturation
after spermiogenesis in seminiferous tubules, sperm are morphologically mature but nonmotile and incapable of fertilizing egg;
transported via testicular fluid to the caput (head) of epididymis through rete testis and efferent ductules (propelled by seminiferous tubules and assisted by smooth muscle contraction and ciliary currents in ductules)
in epididymis, changes in glycoproteins in the plasma membrane of the sperm head
sperm transport in male reproductive tract: ejaculation
spermatozoa rapidly pass through ductus deferens, become mixed with fluid secretions from seminal vesicle and prostate gland
seminal vesicles
provide fructose to the semen (main energy source)
prostate gland
provides citric acid, acid phosphatase, zinc, magnesium ions
contains 40-250 million sperm, mixed with seminal vesicle fluid (60%) and prostate secretion (30%) pH: 7.2-7.8
sperm transport in female reproductive tract
begins in upper vagina and ends in ampulla region of uterine tube
when in upper vagina, confronted with harsh acidic environment that normally is bactericidal
prostate provides a buffering effect, briefly raising pH from 4.3-7.2
cervical canal and cervical mucus block the sperms path
cervical mucus
composition and viscosity vary considerable throughout the month; not readily penetrable