Chapter 2-Transplantations and Borderlands Flashcards
“starving time”
Winter 1609-1610 many people died and were very sick. Fevers, deaths, etc. John Smith helped save colony from starvation
Virginia Company
Lord De La Warr
A Counterblaste to Tobacco
John Rolfe
Introduced the idea of Tobacco.
Hated by King James I
Tobacco made money for colonists, exhausted land, let to expansion
headright system
50 acres of land
every new settler was given 50 acres of land. If someone paid the passage of an immigrant, the buyer would receive 50 acres (encouraged indentured servants)
House of Burgesses
elected representatives in VA
Powhatan Uprisings
“Act Concerning Religion”
Sir William Berkeley
governor that caused conflict in Bacon’s rebellion
Bacon’s Rebellion
Gov. Berkeley did not allow settlement past a line
In the west many farmers were underrepresented/not being protected from natives
Conflict between Natives and “westerners” like Bacon
movement towards slaves for labor-showed that indentured servants had to get freedom so they moved toward slavery as a result
Separatists (Pilgrims)
wanted to break away from Anglican Church
Mayflower Compact
established government led by majority rule
William Bradford
Governor of Plymoth
John Winthrop
1629-led by John Winthrop, they received a charter and eventually settled in Massachusetts Bay
Congressional Church
Roger Williams
Extreme Separatist, wanted
Massachusetts Bay Coloney to completely break away from the Church
Also advocated seperation of
Church and State and payment to Natives for land
Banished to Rhode Island
All religions could worship
Anne Hutchinson
Challenged the power of clergy and rights of women
Banished to Rhode Island and women’s rights were restricted further
Pequot War
conflict over land and trade, Pequots were decimated
King Philip’s War
Started over land, lasted for several years
eventually whites won
Restoration colonies
Carolina colonies
Similar to MD, headright system, religious toleration to all chirisans
New Netherland/New York
Originally belonged to the Dutch, various groups, some religious toleration and local governments
Society of Friends
believed in an “inner light”
All could attain salvation, did not favor predestination
Women had many rights in church, could become preachers, speak publicly
Pacifists, no paid clergy
William Penn’s “Holy Experiment”
Founded Pennsylvania as proprietor colony
Paid Native Americans for their land
Holy experiment was tolerating many religious group
Caribbean colonies
sugarcane became the most important crop-slave labor
Harsh slave codes
Important trading partner with British North America
Caribbean slavery
California missions
Spanish borderlands
James Oglethorpe
Founder of Georgia
A border against the Spanish and also to provide a colony for people in debt or the poor
Originally excluded Africans, slavery, and catholics
Later, GA began to develop when slavery was produced, instituted plantations modeled after SC
“middle ground”
colonies exist for the benefit/wealth of the mother country
Navigation Acts
Colonists could only trade with England
Colonists could only ship certain goods (enumerated articles) to England-tobaco
Dominion of New England
Created by James II, combined the control of several colonies under Sir Edmund Andros
Andros strictly enforced the Navigation Acts, hated by many colonists
Glorious Revolution
James II is overthrown, William and Mary installed as joint rulers
Andros and the dominion of England were overthrown
MA and Plymouth combined as a royal colony
Jacob Leisler
Overthrew NY leader Francis Nicholson
Demonstrated tensions between lower class and wealthy
John Coode