Chapter 2 - The Treaty of Versailles Flashcards
What did the Land part of the Treaty entail?
All of Germany’s overseas colonies lost
Alsace-Lorraine given back to France
Land given back to Belgium, Poland etc.
Germany lost 13% of land
What did the Army part of the Treaty entail?
Disarming the Rhineland
Conscription banned
Army limited to 100,000 men
Navy limited to 6 battleships and no submarines
No air force
What did the Money part of the Treaty entail?
Reparations set at £6.6 billion
What did the Blame part of the Treaty entail?
Article 231-War guilt
Germany was not allowed to join the League of Nations or join up with Austria
The Kaiser was put on trial for war crimes
Who were the Big 3?
Clemenceau (France)
Lloyd George (Britain)
Wilson (USA)
What were Wilson’s 14 points?
The terms Wilson wanted Germany to agree to in a treaty - much more lenient than the Treaty of Versailles, intended to prevent further war
Why were the German people angered by the Treaty?
They were promised more lenient terms by Wilson
The people were being punished for the government’s decisions
Why was Germany’s anger hypocritical?
They had planned to be harsher on the Allies if Germany had won the war
They were harsher to Russia in the Brest-Litovsk Treaty in 1918
When did the Palace of Versailles conference start?
18th January 1919
When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?
28th June 1919
How many days were Germany given to sign the Treaty?
Why was the land given to Poland a source of tension?
It created a separation between Germany and East Prussia, with Poland now in between the two (Polish Corridor)