Chapter 2- The Influence Of Individual Differences On Communication Flashcards
What does personality refer to?
Patterns of thought, feeling, motivation and behaviour. Consistent across time and situations. Relatively stable enduring patterns of thought, feelings, motivation and behaviour that are distinct and consistent
What is Sigmund Freud psychoanalytic theory?
Proposed personality structured across different levels of consciousness. Our personality result of crossing various stages of psychosexual development.
What do individual differences inform?
They inform whom a person chooses to communicate with and situation they choose to enter into. Some people or situations elicit feelings of comfort and some elicit other discomfort
What is self awareness?
The process through which you monitor yourself to gather information that contributes to your self concept. Can be improved by being reflective, professional development
What is self-esteem?
The negative or positive evaluation you make of yourself as a result of the worth you place on your values, beliefs, attitudes, strengths or weaknesses
What is self-concept?
All aspects of who you are that contribute to your view of yourself, such as your strengths, weaknesses, skills, values or beliefs. Your self-awareness+ self-esteem
What is Johari Window?
Describes various components of yourself that contribute to your conscious and unconscious awareness. Describes all you know about yourself and all that others know about you and groups this information into one of four window panes
Johari window: open self
Known to others and known to self. All information about yourself that you have disclosed to others and others have made known to you
Johari window: blind self
Known to others but not known to you. Information people may know about you but haven’t disclosed to you. E.g you scratch your nose every time you talk about a topic that causes you anxiety
Johari window: hidden self
Not known to others but known to self. Information about yourself that you do not wish to share with others (at least initially)
Johari window: Mystery Self
Not known to yourself and not known to others. All the information about yourself that you do not know and others do not know. E.g how you may react to a traumatic situation
Influence of family
Earliest development influence on how you perceive yourself and how you communicate with others is your family
Social learning theorist Albert Bandurra
Your parents act as models and reinforce certain positive social behaviours to shape how you communicate with them and with others
What is attachment theory?
First used to describe series of behaviours infants display to attain and maintain proximity to caregiver. Caregiving experience received as young child shapes attachment security
What is attachment style?
The cognitive, behavioural and emotional system you employ when participating in relationships. Your attachment style represents the cognitive, behavioural and emotional system you employ when participating in the relationships you have with people in your life
What is secure attachment?
Example: I find it relatively easy to get too close to others and am comfortable depending on them and having them depending on me. I don’t worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me.
What is an anxious/ambivalent attachment?
Example: I find that others are reluctant to get as close as I would like. I often worry that my partner doesn’t really love me or won’t want to stay with me. I want to get very close to partner and this sometimes scares people away
What is an avoidant attachment?
Example: I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to others; I find it difficult to trust them completely, difficult to allow myself to depend on them. I am nervous when anyone gets too close, and often others want me to be more intimate that I feel comfortable being
What are individual difference variables?
They are elements that can’t be changed (your age), more easily changeable (self-concept, attitudes, self-regulation, knowledge) and things that are more stable throughout life (personality). Any aspect relating to who you are that makes you distinguishable from someone else