Chapter 2 - The Importance of Principles, Revealed in Nature and Revelation Flashcards
Everything in nature is governed by laws or principles.
How are the laws of nature discovered?
In his patient research the scientist constantly tabulates isolated facts until many such facts prove that a certain law operates throughout nature. Until the law is positively established, theories are advanced to try to explain why the facts exist. Theories are not facts– they are the attempts to explain how or why certain facts are as they are. When enough proof has been gathered to demonstrate that the theory is true, then that theory becomes a law. Similarly, he who patiently and prayerfully searches the Scriptures, learns from his “study” that there are laws which govern in “rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Tim. 2:15
Especially in the study of the prophecies, one needs to apply all the laws of interpretation.
The Bible is scientifically constructed; there are certain principles upon which it was written, and those who interpret it without regard to these principles do injustice to its Divine Author. Only when these principles are recognised and applied will a beautiful harmony be found to exist in all its parts.
The Holy Spirit reveals the true meaning of prophetic imagery after much prayer and patient Spirit-led research, which leads to the knowledge of the laws of interpretation. “The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him.” Ps. 25:14.