Chapter 2: The Financial Statement Audit Environment Flashcards
Audit committee
A committee consisting of members of the board of directors, charged with overseeing the entity’s system of internal control over financial reporting, internal and external auditors, and the financial reporting process. Members typically must be independent of management.
Auditing standards of the PCAOB
Statements issued by the PCAOB
Board of directors
persons elected by the stockholders of a corporation to oversee management and to direct the affairs of the corporation.
Business processes
processes implemented by management to achieve entity objectives. Business processes are typically organized into the following categories: financing processes, purchasing, HR, inventory management, and revenue.
Code of Professional Conduct.
A set of principles, rules, and interpretations that establish guidance for acceptable behavior for accountants and auditors.
Corporate governance
The oversight mechanisms in place to help ensure the proper stewardship over an entity’s assets. Management and the board of directors play primary roles, and the independent auditor plays a key facilitating role.
A system or code of conduct based on moral duties and obligations that indicates how an individual should behave.
Generally accepted accounting principles GAAP
Accounting principles that are generally accepted for the preparation of financial statements in the US. GAAP standards are currently issued primarily by the FASB, with oversight and influence by the SEC. International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS are set by the International Accounting Standards Board.
a state of objectivity in fact and in appearance, including the absence of any significant conflicts of interest.
Integrated audit
an audit of both financial statements and ICFR, provided by the external auditor. Required for public companies.
International Standards on Auditing ISA
Statements issued by IFAC’s International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board
Management advisory services MAS
Consulting services that may provide advice and assistance concerning an entity’s organization, personnel, finances, operations, systems, or other activities.
Principles Underlying an Audit Performed in Accordance with GAAS.
The ASB replaced the 10 Generally Accepted Auditing Standards with these Principles, organized into four parts: Purpose of an Audit and Premise upon which an Audit is conducted, Auditor Responsibilities, Audit Performance, and Audit Reporting.
Conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize a profession or professional person
Public accounting firm
an organization created to provide professional accounting-related services, including auditing. Usually formed as a proprietorship or as a form of a partnership.
Statements on Auditing Standards SAS
Statements issued by the AICPA’s ASB.