Chapter 2 The Chemical Basis of Life Flashcards
Chemicals are the stuff that make up our A. and those of other organisms. They also make up the B. The ordering of C. into molecules represents the D. So it is important to understand the basic concepts of chemistry to understand life. All activities of the body are based on E. F. is all the elements that make up living matter & the way atoms of those elements interact.
A. Bodies B. Physical Environment C. Atoms D. Lowest Level of Biological Organization E. Chemical Reactions F. Chemistry
A. are at the base level of biological hierarchy. They are arranged into Higher and higher levels of B. Living organisms are composed of C. which is anything that occupies space and has mass (D.). Matter is in the form of E.
A. Chemicals B. Structural Organization C. Matter D. Weight E. Chemical elements.
A. a substance that cannot be broken down to other substances by ordinary means. There are B. elements in nature only a few exist in pure state. C. a substance consisting of two or more different elements combined in a fixed ratio. Life requires D. essential elements.
A. Element B. 92 C. Compound D. 25
A. B. C. and D. make up 96 % of the human body. Others make up E. and the rest are F.
A. Oxygen B. Carbon C. Hydrogen D. Nitrogen E. 4% F. Trace Elements
Trace elements are common additives to A. and B. Some trace elements are required to prevent C. Without D., your body cannot transport oxygen. An E. prevents production of thyroid hormones, resulting in goiter
A. Food B. Water C. Disease D. Iron E. Iodine
Several chemicals are added to food for a variety of reasons. A. B. and C.
A. Help preserve it B. Make it more nutritious C. Make it look better.
Atoms consist of A. B. and C. An atom is the smallest unit of matter that still retains the D. Consists of 3 important subatomic particles. E. F. and G.
A. Protons B. Neutrons C Electrons D. Properties of a element E. Proton F. Neutron G. Electron
A proton has a A. An Electron has a B. A neutron has a C.
A. Single Positive Electrical charge B. Single Negative Electrical charge C. Electrically Neutral
Elements differ in their number of A. B. and C. D.has 2 protons 2 neutrons and 2 electrons. E. has six protons six neutrons and six electrons.
A Protons B. Neutrons C. Electrons D. Helium E.
Neutrons and Protons are packed in the atoms A. The B. charge of electrons and the positive charge of C. Keep the electrons near the Nucleus. The number of Protons is the atoms D. Carbon with 6 protons has an atomic number of E. The mass number is the sum of the F. in the nucleus.
A. Nucleus B. Negative C. Positive D. Atomic Number E. 6 F. Protons and Neutrons
Although all atoms of a element have the same atomic number, some differ in mass number. These are called A. Which have the same numbers of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons. One isotope of carbon has B. neutrons instead of 6. Carbon 14 is an unstable C. isotope that gives of energy.
A. Isotope B. 8 C. Radioactive
Living cells cannot distinguish between isotopes of the same element so radioactive compounds may be used in A. When cells use the radioactive isotopes they act as B. Radioactivity can be detected by sophisticated imaging instruments. With instruments the fate of radioactive tracers can be monitored in living organisms.
A. Metabolic processes B. Tracers
Radioactive tracers are frequently used in A. And for B. In addition to benefit there are also dangers withsing radioactive substances. A control exposure can cause damage to some C. In a living cell, especially DNA because chemical bonds are broken by the emitted energy which causes D. To form.
A. Biological research B. Medical diagnosis and treatment C. Molecules D. Abnormal bonds
Only electrons are involved in chemical activity. Electrons occur in energy levels called A. A atom we have one two or three electron shells. The number of electrons in the outermost shell determines the B. Of the atom. The first shell is full with C. electrons, whereas the second and third will hold up to D. electrons.
A. Electron shells B. Chemical Properties C. 2 D.8
atoms Want to fill their outer electron shells To accomplish this, The atom can A. This results in attractions between atoms called B. A atom with an unfilled valence (Outer shell )Tends to interact with other atoms. Atoms with a filled valence shell are C.
A.Share, donate, or receive B. Chemical bonds C. Inert