Chapter 2 Test Flashcards
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
The Patient Care Partnership is a document that is issued by the
American Hospital Association
OBRA applies to how many states?
All 50
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
A person who can not exercise their rights, has a ____ there to do that for them
A person with the legal right to act on the patient’s or resident’s behalf when he or she cannot do so for himself or herself.
Residents are informed of their rights in two ways. What are those 2 ways?
Orally and in writing
The right to information means
access to all records about the person
The care provided to maintain or restore health, improve function, or relieve symptoms
Separating the person from others against his or her will, keeping the person to a certain area, keeping the person away from his or her room without consent.
Involuntary Seclusion
someone who supports or promotes the needs and interests of another person
if a resident refuses treatment, what should you do?
report the refusal to the nurse
the resident should be given personal choice whenever it
is safely possible
if a resident voices concerns about care and the center promptly tries to correct the situation, this action meets the resident’s right to
voice a dispute or grievance
when residents and their families plan activities together, this meets the resident’s right to
participate in resident and family groups
the resident you are caring for has many old holiday decorations covering her nightstand. if you throw away these items without her permission, you are denying her right to
keep and use person items
a staff member tells a resident he cannot leave his room because he talks too much. this action denies the resident
freedom from abuse. mistreatment, and neglect (involuntary seclusion)
when a resident is given certain drugs that affect his mood, behavior, or mental function, it may deny his right to
freedom from restraint
you ask a resident if you may touch him. this is an example of
courteous and dignified care
assisting a resident to ambulate without interfering with her independence is an example of
courteous and dignified care
you provide privacy and self-determination for a resident when you
knock on the door before entering and wait to be asked in
you allow the resident to maintain personal choice and independence when you
assist him to take part in activities according to his interests