Chapter 2 Terms Flashcards
Any assistive adaptive and rehabilitative devices that are used to provide accommodations for students with disabilities
Assistive technology
He believe that learning occurs without direct consequences to one’s actions. He propose that learners observe model behavior and the consequences of the behavior and then project consequences on themselves
Bandura, Albert
Using superior strength or social stature to intimidate or influence decisions of another person
Planning and implementing methods to ensure that the learning environment of the classroom provides an effective venue for learning
Classroom management
Bowling that occurs one lime, primarily on social media sites
Cyber lulling
A collection of information that is organized and stored on the computer to provide an easy method for accessing data
The unfair treatment of another individual based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, or age.
The practice of ignoring an undesired behavior in the hope that it becomes extinct on its own. For instants, a child that makes noises to gain the teachers attention May cease if the teacher ignores the behavior.
Motivation through the use of extern all rewards. Behaviorist contend that extrinsic motivation can be effectively used to manage student behavior.
Extrinsic motivation
Pass that students often travel in the classroom, such as where they lineup to leave the room and the path they take to frequently used supplies.
High traffic areas
A work that is personally created by an individual. It can be copyrighted.
Intellectual property
Motivation that comes from an internal source such as self-motivation, and the satisfaction that is created when personal goals are achieved.
Intrinsic motivation
He established the model of self regulated learning. This theory focuses on importance of practicing model behavior by forecasting the rewarding consequences of positive behaviors and the negative consequences of undesirable behaviors.
A change in the curriculum is learning requirements due to his students in ability to master the required state standards
A method of influencing behavior through removing an adverse stimulus in order to strengthen her behavior.
Negative reinforcement
A Nobel prize winning Russian psychologist known for his work in classical conditioning: the relationship between behavior and direct rewards. His work greatly influence behaviorism.
Pavlov, Ivan
Anything that is added in order to cause an increase in the behavior. This can be a tangible reward or verbal praise. Scolding a child can cause positive reinforcement of a negative behavior if receiving attention enforces an undesired behavior.
Positive reinforcement
Pairs undesirable behaviors with desirable acts, and is employed frequently to induce students to engage in the former.
Premack principle
Punishment decreases the likelihood of behavior is repeated, provided it is not reinforcing in someway, such as giving a violator status with peers.
An American psychologist and behaviorist known for his theory of operant conditioning, which states that a behavior is controlled by the consequence that follows it.
Skinner, B. F.
A behavioral theorist who focused on the law of effect and believe that behaviors which results in favorable consequences are likely to be repeated in that behaviors which results in unfavorable consequences are not likely to be repeated.
Thorndike, E. L.
The times of switching from one classroom activity to another.
The time between when a teacher asks a question and calls on a student to answer.
Wait time
A change in the way of student learns new material. teachers use accommodated teaching methods when directed to do so by students individual education program.