Chapter 2 - Tema II - Los quehaceres dome^sticos Flashcards
arreglar el cuarto
to tidy/clean up the room
to tidy/clean up the room
arreglar el cuarto
barrer (el piso)
to sweep (the floor)
to sweep (the floor)
barrer (el piso)
to cook
to cook
cortar el ce^sped
to mow the lawn, cut the grass
to mow the lawn, cut the grass
cortar el ce^sped
doblar la ropa
to fold clothes
to fold clothes
doblar la ropa
hacer la cama
to make the bed
to make the bed
hacer la cama
lavar los platos
to wash the dishes
to wash the dishes
lavar los platos
limpiar (la casa)
to clean (the house)
to clean (the house)
limpiar (la casa)
pasar la aspiradora
to vacuum
to vacuum
pasar la aspiradora
planchar (la ropa)
to iron(clothes)
to iron (clothes)
planchar (la ropa)
poner la mesa
to set the table
to set the table
poner la mesa
quitar la mesa
to clear the table