Chapter 2 Section 1: Other Engagements, Reports, and Accounting Services Flashcards
Is GAAP required for other engagements?
Give four examples of special purpose frameworks
What are they commonly referred to as?
Cash basis
Tax basis
Regulatory basis
Contractual basis
What three things does the auditor need to gain an understanding of when auditing financials in accordance with OCBOA?
Intended users
Steps taken by management to determine that the applicable financial reporting framework is acceptable in the circumstances
What are the additional requirements of the auditor when auditing financials in accordance with OCBOA?
Understand purpose, intended users, and steps management took to make sure it was good
Make sure management understands its responsibility
Understand interpretations of the contract management made in preparing the financials
What is important about the titles of financials prepared in accordance with OCBOA?
They need non-GAAP titles
What is management’s additional responsibility when preparing financials in accordance with OCBOA?
They need to make sure that the standard used is appropriate
What is the emphasis of matter paragraph used for in OCBOA audits?
When is it used?
It indicates that they’re prepared in accordance with whatever framework, it refers to the note in the financials that describes the framework, and it states that it’s a basis other than GAAP
It’s used all the time, except for when it’s regulatory basis intended for general use
What is the other matter paragraph used for in OCBOA audits?
When is it used?
It restricts the use to specified parties
Contractual or regulatory (regulatory with limited use)
What is required when the framework is regulatory intended for general use?
Express an opinion about whether the financials are fairly presented in accordance with GAAP and prepared in accordance with OCBOA.
No emphasis of matter or other matter
Are MR DIM and REPPORTS CRAME used for auditing a complete set of financials prepared in accordance with OCBOA?
When auditing a single financial statement, how can it be presented?
As a separate engagement or in conjunction with an audit of their complete financials
Give three examples of common elements that are audited separately
A/R and related accounts (includes bad debts and inv)
Disbursements schedule for leased property
Profit participation schedule
When auditing a specific element, do you inspect related elements?
Yes, as necessary
How is materiality determined when auditing a specific element or statement?
In relation to that element or statement, not the aggregate of the complete financials
How is your opinion expressed and dated when including your report on a specific element in conjunction with the audit of the complete financials?
Express a separate opinion for each engagement
In an other-matter paragraph, indicate the date of the other engagement on the report of the primary
How does having a modified opinion on the complete set of financials impact your opinion on a specific element?
If it’s relevant to the specific statement, express adverse on the specific element if it’s a GAAP issue and disclaimer if it’s GAAS
What is required if you want to express an unmodified opinion on a specific element when the complete financials have a modified opinion?
The opinions are reported separately
The specific element isn’t a big part of the complete set and it’s not based on stockholders equity or net income
What if the complete set has an other matter or emphasis of matter that is relevant to the single element?
Include a similar paragraph in the report on the specific element
Are MR DIM and REPPORTS CRAME used for the audit of a single statement or element?
Yes - it’s still an audit
What are the conditions when reporting on compliance?
You have to have audited the client’s financials
You can only issue negative assurance (because you’re not a lawyer)
Use must be restricted
What do you do if you do see areas of noncompliance?
You identify them in your report
How does having an adverse or disclaimer of opinion impact a report on compliance?
You can only issue a report if you have specific instances of noncompliance. No negative assurance
How can a report on compliance be expressed?
As a separate report or as an other-matter paragraph in your regular audit report
How does the restricted use of a compliance report impact the use of the financials when reported as a separate report?
An other-matter paragraph?
It doesn’t
It also restricts the use of the financials
Are you allowed to report on summary financials?
Only if you audited the complete financials from which the summary is derived
What are the procedures for reporting on summary financials?
Evaluate whether they disclose their summarized nature and identify the audited statements
If not accompanied by the audited statements, evaluate if it says where to get them and if they are readily available
What opinions can you express on summary financials?
Only unmodified or adverse. No qualified.
How does an adverse or disclaimer of opinion on the audited financials impact reporting on the summarized ones?
You should withdraw from the summary engagement
Are MR DIM and REPPORTS CRAME used for reporting on summary statements?
What is significant about the dating of summarized statements?
It’s dated later than the audited ones