Chapter 2- Resource depletion Flashcards
The living planet index
We want to bend the curve asap
The E approach
- enable
- engage
- encourage
- exemplify
What can we do to bend the Living planet Index curve
reduce our carbon footprint
less materialistic views
be less selfish
reduce the use of water
electric cars ++
less meat
reusable materials
locally produced
less chemicals on agriculture
green energy
Why are we losing nature?
- Changing use of sea and land
- the biggest driver of biodiversity loss - Direct exploitation of organisms
- the overexploitation of plants and animals
- overfishing for example - Climate change
- changes in air temperature, weather patterns and sea levels
- also worsens the other drivers - Pollution
- comes in many forms –> Microplastics, caused by intense agriculture, from nitrogen ad ammonia - Invasive non-native species
- those that arrive in places where they historically didn’t live
- out-compete local biodiversity for resources such as sunlight and water
- causes a shift in the make-up of the natural ecosystem
The ecological footprint
Impact of human activities measured in terms of the area of biologically productive land and water required to produce the goods consumed and to assimilate the wastes generated
Ecological footprint = demand = how much land we need to support our lifestyle
The components of the ecological footprint
- Cropland
- Forest
- Built up land
- Fishing grounds
- Grazing land
- Carbon
= supply = how much productive land do we have available
- represents the productivityof its ecological assets (including cropland, grazing land, forest land, fishing grounds, andbuilt-up land).
- if left unharvested, can also absorb much of the waste we generate, especially our carbon emissions
- Measured in global hectare (GHA)
- to have a sustainable planet: S>D
Fair share
Area that each of us can use = bio capacity per person
world biocapacity/ world population
Barriers to sustainable development
Individual and Interior:
- individual emotions
- norms, beliefs and values
- personal experience
Individual and exterior:
- financial
- knowledge
- habits
Collective and interior:
World image:
- social norms
- antropocentric world image
- freedom
- here and now
Collective and exterior:
- externalization of external costs
- obsession of growth
- technology
- political
E approach- encourage
- through tax systems
- expenditure, grants
- reward systems
- recognition
- penalties/fines
E approach- enable
- remove barriers
- give information
- provide facilities
- provide viable alternatives
- educate/train/provide skills
- provide capacity
E approach- engage
- community action
- co-production
- media campaigns
- deliberative fora
- personal contacts/ enthusiasts
E approach- exemplify
- leading by example
- achieving consistency in policies
Better choices to get the future we want
- redirect financial flows
- preserve natural capital
- produce better
- consume more wisely
- equitable resource governance