chapter 2: Race & Racialization in Health, Healthcare, and Nursing Education Flashcards
which of the following would the instructor need to integrate into the discussion when preparing a teaching plan for a class on ethnic and gender diversity in nursing?
a) it has kept pace with the changing population demographics, with stats matching the changes
b) it has increased significantly in the past decade due to federal, state, and professional efforts to increase it
c) it is far more limited than in the population at large despite less successful efforts to increase it
d) it is not an issue because all nurses are educated to provide high-quality, culturally sensitive, and proficient health care
current Canadian demographic census data suggests that
a) Canadian population has experienced minimal diversification over the past 30 years
b) hispanic population is still the largest minority group in canada
c) blacks are now the largest minority in Canada
d) ethnic minorities will compromise almost two thirds of the population of canada by 2025
when evaluating demographic data of the nursing population, which of the following would be noted?
a) almost half of all RN’s in Canada are from one or more racial or ethnic minority backgrounds
b) minority representation in nursing is about the same as that of the general population of Canada
c) minority representation in nursing has seen a dramatic decline over the past 10-15 years
d) fewer than 13% of Full-time faculty members in BSN and graduate programs represent racial of ethnic minority groups
which of the following best reflects diversity in the field of health care management?
a) females and males are equally represented
b) minorities and whites are equally represented
c) a gap exists between male and female representation but women are rapidly closing in
d) minorities are underrepresented, especially in top-tier management jobs
which of the following would be most important for the nurse to include when discussing males in nursing?
a) account for the fastest growing minority segment in nursing, with almost 50% of nurses now being male
b) often face stereotypes of being different or homosexual due to their close working relationship with women
c) have numerous role models from with to mentor, especially in terms of male faculty role models in nursing
d) are less capable, caring, compassionate, and nurturing due to their genetic makeup than female nurses
When discussing affirmative action as a means to recruit men into nursing, which of the following should be incorporated into the argument?
a) little promise for increasing male recruitment because it was ineffective in recruiting women into other traditionally male-dominated professions such as medicine
b) eagerly supported by legislative bodies and the health care professions as a means for increasing ethnic and gender diversity in nursing
c) successfully used to increase the presence of some under represented minorities in health care
d) most likely results in an over representation of ethnic minorities and men in nursing based on history of use
concerns about generational diversity in nursing is centered on the fact that
a) the nursing profession lacks the generational diversity that is seen in the population it serves
b) different values systems for the different generations greatly impact the settings in which they work
c) generational diversity provides a variety of perspectives and outlooks that alter workplace balance and decrease productivity
d) generational diversity is new to nursing with no more than 2 generations of nurses having typically worked side by side
concerns about generational diversity in nursing is centered on the fact that
a) the nursing profession lacks the generational diversity that is seen in the population it serves
b) different values systems for the different generations greatly impact the settings in which they work
c) generational diversity provides a variety of perspectives and outlooks that alter workplace balance and decrease productivity
d) generational diversity is new to nursing with no more than 2 generations of nurses having typically worked side by side
a nurse working on the unit belongs to generation X, which of the following would most likely apply?
a) born between 1925 and 1942 and often respectful of authority, supportive of hierarchy, and disciplined
b) call the silent generation and tend to have more traditional work values and ethics
c) taught to think as individuals from a young age and to express themselves creatively and independently
d) possibly lack interest in lifetime employment at more place, instead valuing greater work-hour flexibility and a need to define success in their own terms
a group of nurses are working locally to increase the diversity in nursing, when exploring the various efforts and methods, which of the following would the group need to keep in mind?
a) wide support by professional orgs
b) historically, efforts focused on change-by-drift strategies, although more proactive efforts in nursing are primarily responsibly
c) the numerous professional associations that represent almost every ethnic group in nursing are primarily responsible
d) professional associations typically demonstrate resistance
the impact that lack of diversity has had is seen in
a) the nursing workforce needs to be slightly less diverse than the populations served
b) minority health care professionals typically work in communities with high degrees of service
c) lack of diversity in nursing and health disparities are inextricably linked
d) increased number of the white nursing workforce in underserved areas improve access of underrepresented groups
which ethnic group is identified as having the lowest representation in the nursing workforce?
a) hispanics
b) african americans
c) asians
d) american indians
which of the following would most likely contribute to low recruitment and retention rates for underrepresented groups?
a) ready access to advanced preparation in the natural sciences
b) adequately developed reading and writing skills
c) increased economic advantages
d) increased risk of inferior preparatory education
when describing the various factors associated with the retention of minority students, which of the following would be of LEAST importance?
a) financial support
b) secondary educational preparation
c) social adjustment
d) degree level of the program
a student who is applying for a nursing workforce diversity grant must demonstrate which of the following?
a) cultural sensitivity for others
b) educationally disadvantaged background
c) adequate financial family support
d) participation in preadmission program
when reviewing the most recent data related to the # of men in nursing, which of the following most likely would be noted?
a) remained fairly constant
b) dropped by on half
c) almost quadrupled
d) increased by just under 6%
which of the following ethnic professional associations appeared first ?
a) National Black Nurses Association
b) National Association of Hispanic Nurses
c) The Philippine Nurses Association of America
d) National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association
Which generation identifies s “digital natives”
a) baby boomers
b) Generation X
c) Veteran Generation
d) Generation Y