Chapter 2 Professional & Legal Aspects Of Dental Assisting Flashcards
TEAM stands for?
Together, Everyone Accomplishes More.
Personal and financial information must be held in strict confidence and must not be discussed with others. Breaches of confidentiality can result in lawsuit against all parties involved
“Good relations”
Ethics vs laws
Ethics refer to what you SHOULD do, not what you must do. The law deals with what you MUST do.
Deals with moral conduct (right and wrong behavior, “good” and “evil”), values, high standards of conduct, and personal obligation in interactions with other professionals and patients.
Criminal law
Involves crime with society, government agency or the board of dentistry initiate the legal action. Performing a procedure that is not legal is in violation of this law.
Civil law
Involves crime against individual with another individual who initiates the legal action. (A dentist may be sued by a patient if he or she is dissatisfied with the treatment or has been injured during treatment)
Two types f dental degree in dentistry.
D. D. S (Doctor of Dental Surgery)
D. M. D ( Doctor of Medical Dentistry)
A civil action against a dentist may involve either what laws?
Contract law or Tort law
Contract law
Involves an agreement or service exchange for payment. Payment must be made. If something is being given away for free with no money or services in exchange, then there can be no contract.
Tort law
Involves in an act that brings harm to a person or damage to property. The dentist must have failed to perform the (legal duty)-once a dentist accepts a patient, the dentist then has specific and legal duties to the patient.
In compliance with the law.
Not forbidden by law.
Criminal act
Performing procedures that are not legal is the same as practicing dentistry without a license.
Breach of contract
Lawsuits occur when either party fails to meet his or her end of a written or verbal contract.
Dental Practice Act
Specifies the legal requirements for the practice of dentistry with each state.
state board of dentistry
Responsible for enforcing the state’s Dental Practice Act within that state. Also, has the authority to issue,revoke, suspend, and deny renewal of a license.
An agreement between two or more states that allows a dentist or dental hygienist who is licensed in one state to practice in any of the other states without further examination or retesting by using this agreement.
Dental auxiliary
Dental hygienist, dental assistant, and dental lab tech
Direct supervision
A dentist is physically present while the dental auxiliary who is performing the specific delegated procedures on the patient by the dentist; also has met the legal requirements of the state board of dentistry.
General supervision (Indirect supervision)
The dentist has authorized and delegated specific procedures that may be performed by a legal qualified dental auxiliary for a patient of record. Functions that are often delegated under GS/IS are exposing radiographs and recementing a temporary crowns that has dislodged.
CDA (Certified Dental Assistant)
Individual who has taken and passed a national examination administered by (DANB) Dental Assisting National Board. To remain currently certified, must complete specified number of continuing education hrs and must pay an annually fee for renewal. Some states require a DA to be CDA to perform certain expanded functions.
RDA (Registered Dental Assistant)
Individual hi has taken and passed an examination required by a specific state to perform functions allowed only in that state. States registration usually require periodic (annul or biannual) renewal through the payment of a fee and specified number of clock hrs of continuing education credits. Registration of DAs I no t available in all states.
Risk management
Concepts and techniques that members of the dental team use to help prevent a malpractice lawsuits.
The major areas of the risk management (prevention of malpractice lawsuits)
Maintaining accurate and complete records.
Obtaining informed consent.
Doing everything possible to maintain the highest stat dares of clinical excellence.