chapter 2 - Probability models Flashcards
what are the 3 ways to create a sampling distribution from a single sample?
bootstrapping, exact approach and theoretical approximation
what is bootstrapping?
it is when we draw a 5000 samples (usually) from one sample, and we use that to create the sampling distribution. it works just if originial sampling is rappresentative of the population (so make big and random…like my men) and if it work for replacement + remember that bootstrap sample should as big as the original sample
with/without replacement calcolo of probability
without replacement = if the sample was 200 and the probability was , the next time the probability was 20%, the second time the sample will be 19/199 = 19% –> can be ingnored if the population is large
with replacement =
advantages of bootstrapping
we can get a sampling distribution from every sample we want, condisering every sample statistics we are interested in + only way to calculate median
limitation of bootstrapping
it does not always reflect the true sampling distribution, as the original sample is not always represenatative of the population (pero remember that the bigger the better
the exact approach
when we know the true probability in the population, so we are working with the true sampling distribuition. we can calculate probability of all sample results, but it works just for CATEGORICAL VARIABLES
+ also called ‘computer intensive’
SPSS exact value
nonparamentric test, you can calculate two categorical variables with fisher exact test
theoretical approximation
when we do not want to use computer, ex. bell shape of normal distribution is a sample mean
indipendent sample test
ex. heads and tails, when comparing 2 samples that are statistically indipendent